Saturday, August 31, 2019
Pros and Cons of Forming an LLC
Among the foremost choice an individual might encounter as a business owner might be, if at all or not to register his business or set up a limited liability company – LLC. (Evaluating Incorporating a Business or Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)) Setting up a Limited Liability Company –LLC has come to be an accepted choice in case of solely managed businesses and partnerships who have considered setting up a corporation with a view to safeguard one’s own assets. (Why More Business Owners Choose LLCs) LLCs pose a better option in case of corporations and partnerships as these are equipped with a lot of advantages of both.A limited liability company, or â€Å"LCC†, therefore is a business which is not incorporated and has the twin features of a corporation as well as a partnership. This organization is especially appropriate in case of family businesses, professional licensees, non-US resident owners and businesses running overseas. (Incorporatin g Questions) An LLC is sometimes depicted as a blend of a partnership and a corporation. This is due to the fact that a LLC mixes the tax benefits and management adjustability of a partnership with the liability protection of a corporation. (Why More Business Owners Choose LLCs)The benefits of forming an LLC remains that the members are given limited liability and have been charged taxes similar to that of a partnership. Through the formation of an LLC in place of a corporation, an individual avails of the entire spectrum of advantages of setting up a corporation, however one can stay clear from a few problems that one might face if he sets up a corporation. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) The maximum advantage of forming a company or setting up an LLC lies in its scope to segregate one’s personal identity from one business, lowering the possibility of one’s own assets becoming implicated by business debts or lawsuits. The additional benefit comprises likely tax benefits, simpler access to capital funding, ownership secrecy and centralized management. (Frequently Asked Questions: About Incorporating)Particularly, at the time when an individual forms a corporation, he is taxed twice. This irritation is possible to circumvent, in case he sets up an LLC. The LLC permits more than one owner, or members. Moreover, a managing member is present, who also avails the benefits of limited liability and is naturally the person in charge of the management of the business. It is the proprietor’s personal income tax returns through which the profits or losses go through directly on their Form 1040.The LLC books a Form 1065, and subsequently makes a record of every member’s taxable profit on Form K-1. To put in different words, the LLC itself never files taxes. This is the implication of avoiding double taxation with an LLC. In case of a corporation, it works in a different manner. Taxes are imposed on the corporation, and, consequently shou ld file taxes. Subsequently, distributions to the proprietors are taxed. In spirit, the government charges twice from one’s revenues in place of once in case of an LLC as opposed to a corporation. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) LLCs possess a higher flexibility at the management level compared to corporations. (Why More Business Owners Choose LLCs) In case of setting up an LLC, two alternatives for organizing the management of the LLC are there: â€Å"Member-managed†or â€Å"manager-managed†. The proprietor of LLCs, those who are current members in the management of their business sometimes set up an LLC which is managed by the member. In case of LLC which is managed by the member, management authority and obligatory authority remains with all of the members or owners of the LLC.â€Å"Manager Management†is the place in which one or more people irrespective of proprietors are chosen to shoulder responsibility for managing the LLC. The propriet ors who are themselves not owners, at times family members those who have put in their money in the company just relax and share in the profits of LLC. In case of an LLC having a manager, simply the appointed managers possess a chance to vote on management decisions and function as the agents of the LLC. Managers may or may not also be members of the LLC. In some instances, the concern in a manager-managed LLC might be contemplated to be the securities with the condition that it is registered with the federal and/or state government. (Advantages of Forming an LLC)An additional benefit of setting up an LLC is the safeguard given to the proprietors from personal liability in case of business debts and/or claims. Since, just LLC assets are made use of for meeting business liabilities, LLC owners become the loser of just the money which they have invested in the LLC. As against this, sole business owners and general partnerships give no limited liability protection in case of their owne rs- rendering the owners of sole proprietorships and partnerships to be liable in their individual capacities for every debt, claims and obligations linked with business.Setting up an LLC can even be a big option for partners seeking flexibility in the means they share ownerships and profits. As against corporate shareholding whose ownership of stock and share of profits should be in percentage of their investment, partners in an LLC can normally share ownership in any manner they think it to be suitable. For instance, ownership of an LLC having two partners can be subdivided halfway in case they decide as such and in that case each partner might not have to pool half of the total capital investment. Besides, as against corporations, LLCs function somewhat unofficially. For instance, LLCs are normally permitted to function with no restrictions on the annual ownership and management meetings. (Advantages of Forming an LLC)Nevertheless it continues to a good norm to conduct meetings a nd keep a record of decisions, however, no one is under any compulsion to act in that manner under majority of the state rules. Because of this, an individual can have considerably more time in his hand, placing one in charge of and when meetings are held, as one considers vital. Besides, proprietors of LLCs who are against accepting default tax classifications have the choice of choosing an independent tax classification. For instance, an LLC might choose to be taxed as a corporation.This choice is made by submitting the filled in IRS Form 8832. An LLC which prefers to be imposed taxes as a corporation continue to reserve the legal features of an LLC under the rules governing LLCs in the state in which it is established, however it is considered as a corporation for purposed of taxes, put under corporate income tax rates and the same tax considerations related to conventional corporations. An LLC might also prefer to be taxed just like an S corporation. This preference is exercised by submitting the IRS Form 2553. (Advantages of Forming an LLC) Finally, as against corporations, it is not customary for LLCs to conduct an annual meeting and draft meeting minutes. (Why More Business Owners Choose LLCs)But what is the reason behind everyone not joining the LLC brigade? Are there any demerits of an LLC? What is the reason behind every corporation in the world not getting converted to a LLC status? What are the reasons behind the continued formation of the conventional C corporations and S corporations? There are not many answers to that question. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) To speak the truth, everything is far from being perfect. Some costs and problems arise from running an LLC. LLC possesses the demerits of being less popular.The limited liability company is the latest arrival on the corporate scene. Even though this is changing fast, some individuals are not aware about LLC compared to a conventional corporation – which is something to think about when attracting investors and so on. (LLCs: Do They Make Sense for Your Business?) As a lot of companies will be looking forward to investment from outside sources and will be presenting stock options to employees, several angel investors and venture capital firms continue to be gun-shy regarding investing in LLCs as this is a new business set up that is hardly intelligible. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC)An additional preference of the C Corporation over the LLC is that legal companies are poised to possess a lot more boilerplate accord for C Corporations compared to a LLC. Therefore, one might be incurring more legal expenses in the formation of an LLC as more time is required to be devoted by the lawyer during drafting agreements. Indeed, this will transform with the passage of time as greater number of business companies espouse LLC category. (For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC) LLC also face the demerits of higher costs incurred in banking. In case of accounts for smal l businesses or unofficial partnership, these are sometimes free, till an individual maintains a higher balance.However a bank account in case of a limited liability company will possibly charge fees of $10, $20 or higher every month. LLC possess more intricate tax returns. An LLC will submit its own tax return in case it is running as a partnership firm, C corporation, or S corporation. This implies one’s expenses for tax return will be close to few thousand dollars annually. Besides, as documents in case of a limited liability corporation are required to be filed with the state, as against a general partnership, it implies tardiness to a little extent. (LLCs: Do They Make Sense for Your Business?)To conclude, it might be held that LLCs are a superb establishment whose reputation is rising. LLCs are among the most adaptable business establishments available which are perfect in case of small or fresh companies. In case of a lot of new businesses, establishing an LLC implies the ideal of both scenarios. Akin to a partnership, taxes are imposed directly to the business, evading the double taxation problem with the corporations. Moreover, akin to corporations, LLCs present liability shield in case of owners and their assets.Additionally, lesser concurrent needs and rules and regulations minimize the extent of paperwork and maintenance required to safeguard an LLC’s standing, thereby rendering them safer compared to corporations. But, LLCs is not everybody’s cup of tea, since it has its demerits too. It is important to know regarding the advantages of LLCs and also its disadvantages.ReferencesAdvantages of Forming an LLC.For Entrepreneurs: Forming an LLC.
Friday, August 30, 2019
English Language Coursework †Task One and Introduction Essay
Task One Robin Lakoff devised a theory of language and gender differences. She believed that women had a greater lexis when describing subjects such as colours where men would have a greater lexis in subjects such as sports. Lakoff also believed that women use more prestige grammar and clear pronunciation with more intensifiers than men. Therefore I have chosen to see whether these patterns occur within boys and girls aged 7-8 to see if they have developed these attributes even at an early age. The audience I feel that would be appropriate to my research are people who work with or study children, A level or university students and people with a general interest of this topic. This is because by working with children you will be keen to pick up new information to help you with your work so you may find some here and an A level student taking English language may look at this for an example. By observing the speech of children’s language I will be able to decide whether there is a difference in gender. People are influenced throughout their lives; they are influenced by things such as their environment, media and social groups. At an early age children are looking towards their families and peers to see how they should act. This shows children are aware upon how to communicate with others, therefore leading the possibility that even at a young age they have the same traits as an adult. The research question I have concluded with is, are language and gender differences apparent within children ages 7-8 as there are in adults? Robin Lakoff stated that there are differences in spoken language between men and women so I have decided to see if children still have these differences. The reason for this is because at such an early age every child is thought of the same and it is hard to see a dominate gender; this was a key issue with early studies of men and women. Robin Lakoff also said ‘women use hypercorrect grammar and pronunciation’ but since the children are only 7-8 years old they are still learning basic English skills. This means that this point will not apply here since the children are young. I have chosen this topic area because I was not aware that there was a gender difference in language until I was taught it. I have taken a interest in this because men and women are both educated in the same way and thought to be brought up the same so I believed that they would have the same attitude in language. Another reason I have chosen this is because women are seen as the less dominate gender but when I was a child I was not aware of this so I am interested to see if there are signs of this even at such a young age. I expect to find that even at an early age the boys will interrupt more as they tend to be very energetic whereas the girls will be more descriptive in describing an object. Introduction When studying English language I found out that there was gender differences within speech, this took my interest as I believe that women now are equal to men. I felt that some of these differences maybe because of the language men and women use. When researching this topic I found out that Robin Lakoff devised a theory that there are differences between the language of men and women and how males are more dominant speakers than females. This is because females are believed to be less assertive and tend not to interrupt during conversation like men do. This could branch onto discrimination as this a topic seen throughout life and it may give reasons to why females are discriminated more than males since they are not seen as the dominate gender. Another reason why I am doing this because I am interested how we develop our skills when we are young, why we develop them and who influences us on the language we use. I think the way we brought up and the language we are taught to use plays a big role in our society because I feel that each person uses their own distinctive language from each one and another, this is because I could tell a friend from another purely because of the vocabulary and dialect the person uses. Therefore I wanted to look to see if this still applies to boys and girls at a young age where they are seen to be innocent and they would not pick up on these differences. I will do this by talking to children ages 7-8 the same questions and taking down their response. The problem that may arise with this is that some children are more confident than others; this means they will not be as shy with their response as another child would.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Adv.Accounting Theory and Pract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Adv.Accounting Theory and Pract - Essay Example I agree with Adams that the key motivation for corporate social and environmental reporting is to enhance corporate image and credibility with stakeholders. In her article, Adams offers an incomplete reason for what truly affects voluntary corporate social and environmental responsibility reporting. By focusing on the procedure of reporting and corporate outlooks, Adams attempts to find out what influences voluntary corporate reporting. However, similar to most empirical works, the precise reasons or explanations for the studied matter is open to reader interpretation (Harrison, Newholm, & Shaw, 2005, p. 213). According to Adams, variables under the internal reporting procedure comprises of organization chairperson, corporate social responsibility commission, and corporate social reporting (Adams, 2002, p. 224). These factors correspond to the basics of the accounting theory of usefulness. The external factors of corporate social responsibility that Adams uses could likely affect reporting, its level, and value. The significance of every variable differs across organizations and Adams makes this observation in her article. Two aspects that can potentially affect overall trends in corporate reporting are the degree of compulsory disclosure requirements and adjustments in stakeholder outlooks and principles (Thorne, Mahoney, and Manetti, 2014, p. 699). Considering the apparent threat to a company’s legitimacy makes Adams’ assertion about the main motivation of corporate reporting viable (Adams, 2002, p. 244). The article repeatedly calls this threat an organization’s permission to operate. Adams proves that this factor does in fact influence corporate reporting although frequently on a temporary basis. Adams is right about many accounting theories involving SEA and not giving any references to internal corporate factors. The process that Adams explains as which organizations report and the â€Å"attitudes
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
US Historical Analysis on cause of US Civil War Research Paper
US Historical Analysis on cause of US Civil War - Research Paper Example 48 percent believed that the war was primarily on the rights of the state while 38 percent believed that the war was mostly based on slavery. The rest believed both or neither of the causes precipitated the wari (Holden, 2009). Every state within the Confederacy issued an â€Å"Article of Secession,†which declared their withdrawal from the Union. Four states Mississippi, Texas, South Carolina and Georgia all gave supplementary documents which are usually known to as the â€Å"Declaration of Causes†ii(Holden, 2009). These documents clarify the states’ decision to withdraw from the Union. There are two key themes of slavery and the rights of the state that come up in these documents. All of the fours states powerfully defend slavery as they make different claims linked to the rights of the state iii(Loewen, 2011). On slavery, it is believed that the North was not willing to tolerate slavery as a part of the US society structure and that it was the intention of the political power brokers to stop slavery in the entire Union iv(Loewen, 2011). Thus, according to most individuals, slavery is the main issue that explains the causes of the Civil War. Historians often talk on two diverse issues: the underlying causes of Civil War and personal motivations. The convictions that motivated men to put their life in danger for their country are not similar to the policies that thrust the country into war. By historians arguing that slavery resulted to Civil War, they are contending that the presence of â€Å"peculiar institution†made the resolving of political, economic and constitution problems impossible v(Tessa, 2013). However, critics argue that those problems that were under states’ rights were the real causes of the Civil War. There is no reason for not believing the real words of the Southerners about why they went into Civil War against the Union vi(Tewell, 2012). In addition, contrary to the belief of most people, most
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Innocence and Experience Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Innocence and Experience - Research Paper Example Innocence asks of a man to remain aloof of the different things that take place around him. However this innocence could be taken in an entirely negative way if the individual does not quite understand the norms and procedures around him. Experience teaches him to comprehend how innocence could be turned into a point where the individual become mature and therefore represents maturity on a consistent basis. Innocence and experience form essential ingredients of a psychological domain that is closely tied in with the thread that derives the basis of life (of a man). Psychology asks of the person to understand the innate characteristics that basically hamper the very basis of his life time and again. These issues can also benefit him in the long run if he gets the hang of following the set dictum in a methodical manner. Therefore it is important to understand how life can be represented in a manner that entails both innocence and experience within it in an abundant capacity. Innocence is usually associated with individuals who are known to be immature or lack the authority to have their say. However this could be held in a very negative way as well. Children are usually known to be innocent because they lack the freedom to make sound decisions and assert their own selves in an out and out fashion. This is essentially true because children are indeed very innocent and they do not actually get the hang of a lot of things that are happening around them (Bridges 1993). Children look up to their elders so that the latter could offer them with the muc h needed experience in order to change the course of their lives, for the better. Experience is deemed as important as it can be decisive in understanding the life’s crucial decisions. Experience is also pivotal because it can differentiate the innocent feelings of the different people from a rational discourse which they might have within the distinctive undertakings of their lives.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Big foot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Big foot - Essay Example This could seem funny, but to some it is not. Bigfoot has been described as a real cave man. In 2007, Robert Wilson a Vancouver resident stated that he saw a large and hairy man who looked like a cave man. This strengthened the earlier theory that indeed, Bigfoot is a man. Those who dispute the Bigfoot conspiracy justify it by saying that there have never been corpses of bigfeet men found anywhere. But the supporters of this conspiracy use the counter argument that big feet bury their dead, and in fact, they are mentioned in the Bible in the book of Genesis. In 1999, there are those who claim that in the Battle Mountain fires, one Bigfoot was injured and taken away for treatment by government officials. Another theory is that just like there are gay people; it is believed that 10% of bigfeet also known as sasquatches are also gay. This is according to Loren Coleman, a cryptozoologist. But there are also those people who claim that the male sasquatches sodomize male domestic
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 45
Reflection paper - Essay Example According to the recommendation 4 of the health reforms, it is desired that by 2020, the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to have increased to 80 percent (Institute of Medicine) (2011). This is a 30 percent increase from 2010’s 50 percent. In addition to the attainment of the baccalaureate degree, the recommendation is also concerned with the diversity of those who attain it (Ibid 2011). IOM (Institute of Medicine) (2011) the essence of diversity of the nurses with the baccalaureate degree holders is to cater for the diverse population’s demands. Increasing my level of education will affect how I compete in the current job market in profoundly beneficial ways. Strong evidence has established a desirable â€Å"relationship between higher education for nurses and improved patient outcomes†(Ibid 2011). With regard to the requirements for entry-level practice, the expectations from the general public are that more people interested in nursing will pu rsue the baccalaureate degree (Ibid 2011). Therefore, settling down with a baccalaureate degree will not offer me a competitive advantage. In the business world, employers are being hired with preference to those with BSN and Higher degrees (Ibid 2011). My goal is to pursue a doctorate in nursing since unlike the baccalaureate degree this gives me the competitive advantage that I need in the current job market. Institute of Medicine (2011) recommendation 5 pursues that by 2020, the number of nurses with a doctorate to have doubled. The multiplication of the current number of nurses is also closely associated with the catering for the diverse populations’ demands. Moreover, an increase in the number of nurses with a doctorate will contribute to the researcher of the nursing faculties. Pursuing a nursing course so far has opened up my mind to heightened interests in the field. Increasing my level of education is expected to substantially affect my role in
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Quotation Analysis Song of Solomon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quotation Analysis Song of Solomon - Essay Example n, 36).reflectingon a past family he had known, Freddie tells the story of a boy who was breastfed until he was thirteen years yet he looks straight at Milkman like he is making up that story. Freddie thinks that breastfeeding a child until that age is disturbing and unusual. This can be evidenced by his words ‘that’s a bit much’. In the novel, Ruth also knows that its unusual and that is why she has a look of shame when Freddie finds her breastfeeding. Many decades ago men ran their homes with iron steel and were superior to women. On the other hand, women had no minds of their won since men defined them and dictated them. Whatever actions they took it had to be in favor of the men since men took responsibility for their wives, or any female related to them, actions. Thus men were very strict with women from their public behaviors, dressing and demeanor. Macon dead tells his sister, â€Å"Why cant you dress like a woman?... whats that sailors cap doing in your head? Don’t you have stockings? What are you trying to make me look like in this town?†(Morrison, 45). Macon sees that his sisters dressing style as act of denting his image of a rich man with properties. He is in fact ashamed of his sister and throws her out of his house. Macon takes the ‘bad dressing’ personally as he says â€Å"what are you trying to make me look like in this town?†A woman can dress how she feels like and a brother†™s image should not be tainted by his sister’s choice of dressing. Moreover, Pilate was not scantily dressed only indecent like a man with no stockings and such like feminine dressing designs. Additionally, Macon compares his sister to ‘common street women’ who are prostitutes. In secret Macon hated her sister more than her dressing in that he shuddered at what people would think when they saw his sister with a daughter and no husband, her daughter too had a daughter and no husband. He did not want her trait in his family. Pilate suffers at both his fathers
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business Summary of each career position Personal Statement
Business Summary of each career position - Personal Statement Example As a senior member on the regional Change and Configuration Management Board (CCMB), I ensured total conformity in terms of accepted standards, equipment and software product list achieved by evaluation, and confirming every kind of system-wide changes, and briefing the senior managers on programmed/ unprogrammed equipment changes. Further, I assisted in development and documentation of network disasters, recovery, backup and Continuity of Operation Program polices and principles; further was the meticulous use of information assurance policies or managing the accessibility and indecency of resources and valuation of Service Level Agreement (SLA) delivery. Lastly, I was responsible for carrying tasks that required application of explicit principles, methodologies and procedures by ensuring the assignment is complete within set periods. This required me to take full duty when MITSC Director were absent and oversee all the activities given to the MITSC. I also farmed out tasks and offered directions as required. I carried out other additional duties engrossed in both long and short-term planning for change and delivery of Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) services within the region. Another very essential duty was developing policies for regional and local NGEN enterprise services, data centers, network control facilities and system operation units in addition to efficiently maintaining communication lines with HQMC C4, MARFORPAC Regional Network Operations Support Center (RNOSC), and other MITSCs and Base, Post, Station Supporting Establishment staffs. I was further responsible for administering technical planning for performance of Information Technology inventiveness, competences and requirements of architecture for the tenant instructions, offering guidelines to IT Command in terms of improvements in the region. I directly coordinated with Headquarters and all any other relevant
The 2003 Firestorm in Southern California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The 2003 Firestorm in Southern California - Essay Example Some mitigation tactics existed before 2003 to avoid extreme wildfires. However, the measures were inadequate during the 2003 firestorm in California. The firefighters lacked the firefighting capacity and surveillance as well as communications capabilities to salvage people whose homes construction materials were highly flammable materials besides surrounded by flammable vegetation. To reduce the risk of wild fires, resource agencies developed expertise in fuel loading and fire behavior that allowed them to decide when lighting fires could be left to burn or deliberate prescribed fires to be set (Newig, Voß, & Monstadt 2013). The top priority of the fire agencies became protecting the vulnerable communities. The 2003 firestorm was a catalyst for passage of a national law that promised â€Å"healthy forests†. Post the 2003 firestorm, the department of forestry in California commands approximately 3,800 firefighters on a full-time basis, 1,400 being seasonal, 7,800 volunteers and 1027 fire engines (Newig, Voß, & Monstadt 2013). Moreover, it maintains a fleet of aircraft, which include almost twenty air tankers, thirteen air attack planes, and ten helicopters. This is an increment from the little equipment available prior to the 2003 firestorm.The urban/wild land interface refers to an area or environment inhabited by humans (man-made) joins the natural environment. Over the years, people are building their houses nearer to the forests and some are cutting down forests to live there.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Portfolio Models Essay Example for Free
Portfolio Models Essay The use of portfolio models in marketing has been gaining increasing use since 1960s. The portfolio models were developed with the aim of helping in the development of market share and growth. These models have been used as strategic thinking model in the making of business decision. These models include BCG, General electric/shell, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models. Each model has been criticized on the capabilities and according to its scope on market share. These models have been found to lead to the wrong decision in investment and other business processes. The portfolio models assume a causal relationship between the market share and the profitability of a product in the market. The common scope of portfolio models is the way it tries to ignores some of the most relevant strategic issues in business. Therefore, all models cannot be taken as an effective strategic decision making model. It should however be discarded or it should be used with caution. This paper does not recommend the use of portfolio models and an alternative way should be sought to replace this. Introduction Portfolio models can be defined as a method or strategy in which a new product will be introduced in the market and perform as it was expected. In the 1960s, there was growing assertion of the use of portfolio models in marketing. There was growing interest on the development of market share and growth strategy which later came to be known as marketing portfolio. The BCG matrix, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models and GE/S were meant to achieve the marketing needs especially when introducing new products in the market. They were meant to stimulate strategic thinking especially among the senior marketing executives in the turbulent business environment. However, there has been dysfunction of these models in the way they are taught and the way they are applied in the market. This study will look into the applicability of portfolio models in strategic decision making in marketing. The study will evaluate the view from a number of literature to understand whether the model can really be applied to the decision making process or not. This paper therefore evaluates the available literature which has given an insight into this model to understand how it can be applied in strategic marketing decision. There are other methods that were introduced to give a product a distinctive market share especially when it’s introduced. There are four commonly used methods to approach this matter, the Boston consulting group (BCG), the General electric/shell (GE/S), Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models. Therefore to give the clear meaning of the portfolio model, there is a need to understand how the portfolio models work. The first step to be taken when using the above models is to understand the different business/ marketing strategies of the company. Portfolio models in marketing decisions Portfolio models management generally defines the way business comes up with strategic decision to venture into the market. In this definition, the strategic marketing decision is a method by which marketing ideas are made and implemented in order for a product to have stronger grounds in the market. At any one time, company will be coming up with new product which will need to be introduced to the market in the most successful way. Portfolio models therefore provide the business with important tools for analyzing of the strategic decision to determine their effectiveness in the market (Abell and Hammond, 1979, p. 42). Purpose of portfolio models in strategic decision making in marketing There are mainly four main purpose of using the portfolio models in the strategic marketing decisions which are pursued in portfolio management and must be achieved through any model that is used. These goals include the maximization of portfolio, seeking of the right balance of the available projects, aligning of the portfolio strategically, and aligning the projects to the available resource (Ansoff, 1984, p. 12). Smith and Swinyard (1999, p. 2) also show that portfolio marketing models are important for an organization to assess the overall success of a new product in the market before a lot of money is used in the development of the product. They both call for the use of multiple marketing models in order to achieve the overall success of introducing new products in the market. This will reduce the failure rate of the products and extend their life cycle in the market. (Thomas, 2002, p. 61) The models can also be used as important tools to forecast the level of competition and therefore draw upon effective way of beating this competition. They help to forecast the performance of a product in the market so as to draw up strategies to effectively introduce it in the market. Edgett, Cooper, and Kleinschmidt (2002, p. 2) showed that in order to achieve full development of a new product in the market, there has to be effective portfolio management. There are different types of portfolio models that include the BCG, GE/S, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models. In his review of the portfolio models, Day (1977, p. 32) showed that the use of bubble diagrams had been gaining increasing use in business. Day shows that these models resemble the portfolio models with stars, cash cows, dogs, and others. He showed that these models could be used successfully to forecast the market in the future. Day therefore asserted the role of matrix like Boston matrix in marketing. The Boston matrix could be used to show four quadrants as has been shown by Day and corresponding strategies which could be used in each quadrant. However Day criticizes the matrix on the sense that it is too narrow on its scope. He asserts that the BCG matrix has a narrow focus on the market share of the product. On the other hand Morrison and Wensley (1991, p. 106) provided an insight into the portfolio planning models as used in making business decision. They asserted that the use of BCG matrix in portfolio management is inhibited by difficulties in measurement of the rate of market growth and the relative market share of the product. This is due to a number of reasons. They gave the most prominent reason being the fact that market boundaries are often very difficult to fix which meant the different matrix methods will give different recommendations for a given situation. Therefore they argue that the common scope of BCG matrix in a way ignores some of the most relevant strategic issues in business. Though these other models are not as famous as BCG, Day still argues that use of them could also lead to success in the market. Day advocated and recommended the use of Porters competitiveness that he viewed to have higher possibilities of success than other models if its well implemented. It is commonly used in an already operating business with other products in the market. The experience curve can only be help to the company that has been in the market for sometime with a different product. The experience that the company has gained in the given period will determine the strength of the company in the market. This has been used by several companies like coca-cola in the introduction their mineral water. It would be hard for a company that has not been doing well in the market to succeed with the new product. They showed that Boston matrix was a technique for one season and not for all the season. This is because its popularity and use increased in the 1960s and 1970s and then plummeted due to the challenges faced in the market. They showed that the single chart could be successfully used to determine the growth potential and the competitive strength of a product in the market but this has rapidly changed with time. Armstrong and Brodie (1994, p. 38) evaluation on the applicability of the Boston matrix concluded that the use of the matrix to guide investors often would result to wrong decision through the use of BCG. General Electric and Shell, Porters competitive models are designed for long term use in the market, once the product has been introduced in the market, the models techniques still continues to support the product through the entire life in the market. Whichever model is used, it has to be used for entire life of the company because no other model will fit without altering the companies business especially when the company is introducing new product in the market. Although they based their study on a small number of graduates in a class, they gave a further warning against the use of the matrix in a simple mind. Armstrong and Brodie (1994, p. 3) carried out a study on the effect of the portfolio planning methods on the overall decision making process. Their study pointed out the weakness in the use of BCG matrix in making strategic decision in an organization. Their study revealed that the use of BCG matrix in making investment decisions was highly likely to lead to unprofitable investment while Robert and Merton (1989, p. 210) advocates that the implementation of other models instead of matrix were intended for lifetime decision making. If not well implemented, there is a probability of causing life time losses and would be hard to recover unless the product is withdrawn from the market. Each model has some weaknesses bas they are exposed out in the way models assume a casual relationship between the market share and the profitability of a product in the market. Morison and Wesley (1991, p. 26) also pointed out lack of consistency in the use of the portfolio models in determining market growth and profits. These studies give varied views on the use of Boston matrix, GE/S, Hofner-Schendel, Experience Curve and Porters Competitive models in making marketing decision. They all seem to point out on the weaknesses of these models in light of their theory and application. There are other ways a business can prosper other than using portfolio models. The strategies used in introducing the product in the market is all that matters, portfolios are just to give the business a rough idea on how to approach the marketing matter but not to give a conclusive tread which the business should follow. Conclusion Portfolio models are applied in portfolio management. They are applied in management to make strategic marketing decision. Though they had gained increasing use in different times, they have some weaknesses that are fatal to the welfare of the business in future. On the other hand they may give a rough idea on how to approach the market issues and on how to introduce the new product in the market. In all portfolios, not is able to predict the growth and the profit margins or losses on the other hand for the product, thus making them less important tool for the marketing. However the use of models should be discarded and there be implemented new strategies that would be able to address the issues of the business on long term and in both growth and revenues that are likely to be gained by the introduced product. Recommendations: The use of portfolio models is not recommended and if they have to be used, they must be implemented with great caution. None of all models has proofed an effective strategic decision making in regard to the marketing issues. It should however be discarded or it should be used with caution. This paper does not recommend the use of portfolio models and an alternative way should be sought to replace this.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Theory And Practice Of Organisations
The Theory And Practice Of Organisations Various theories have been significant in forming and recognising organisations. Throughout the twentieth century, the theory and practice of organisations have been modified from a more traditional management approach were efficiency and profits were the main goals to a more networked approach where service and user satisfaction are the focal points (Hughes and wearing 2007). Each organisation is different. Differences relate to varying missions, demographics, location, physical environment, management style, levels of funding and financial conditions, and whether the organisation is public, nonprofit, or for-profit, among other factors. This essay will discuss the importance of organisational mission/vision statements, structure, resourcing and service in distinguishing human service organisation from one another as well as provide theoretical analysis on how this can influence the organisations practices and services. Human service organisation is the word often used to describe health, welfare, and educational organisations, and is generally identified as organisations whose goals are to provide some kind of service for people individually or communities (Gardner 2006). Human service organisations set out influence in structuring the nature of social work practices. The agency provides the decree and authorisation for carrying out societies order in regard to the health and well-being of the citizens and regulates the resources essential to accomplishing this work (Hanson, 1998). Human service organisations obtain their purpose from community needs and priorities, as characterised by the social settings at any given time. In many ways social work practice is established , facilitated, and at the same time controlled by the purposes and operating modes of human service organisations. In theory , purpose is comparatively consistent across all human service organisations in that in a broader sense meet the needs and contribute to the well being of consumers , and to contribute to the overall social welfare (Jones and May 1992,pg.84 , as cited by Gardner 2006).It is imperative that the overall vision does conveys the broad hopes of the organisation as well as comprehend the intricacy of its purpose. Womens Domestic Violence Crisis Service (WDVCS) is a Victorian State-wide service for women enduring violence and abuse from a partner or ex-partner, another family member or someone else they are close to. Women Domestic Violence Crisis Service acknowledge the diversity of women and childrens experience and supplies a response that respects the unique needs of the individual woman and their children. WDVCS will ensure that the response meets the requirements of the organisations funding and service agreement and its legal obligations. The organisation through feminists realised the importance of servicing woman who have been experiencing domestic violence, and the wants for those women to be safe. At the beginning, WDVCS started from several individuals houses, were they would answer phone calls to service the community, to what is now classified as an organisation. The philosophy of the organisation is that violence is not acceptable on the basis of human rights and that women expe riencing domestic violence have the right to be safe. Domestic violence does not affect one certain type of individual but in fact affects a vast array of individuals from across all levels of society and from all types of religious, ethnic and race groups. The Womens Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria (WDVCS) acknowledges that the staff of the organisation are a vital and valuable resource. WDVCS has an obligation to supporting the growth and preservation of a demographically diverse workforce that is highly skilled, motivated and resourced to ensure quality and continuity of service delivery. All staff of WDVCS are expected to work within the Philosophy, Policies and Procedures of the organisation and abide by the Code of Conduct. WDVCS is not an auspice, it is a corporate association in its own right which means WDVCS has its own board, CEO, coordinators and staff .WDVCS has four coordinators, Telephone crisis coordinator, accommodation coordinator, communication coordinator and Quality committee coordinator. All of whom supervise the phone team and accommodation team. The Communication coordinator works on community development and media projects which was established by WDVCS in 2008, the aim of the project is to educate women on how to share their experience in domestic violence to the public via the media and also to empower women to respond to media in a self-assured way. The board of WDVCS is responsible to set all WDVCS strategic plans of the organisation. The board insures all the risk managements of the organisation, as well as ensures that the CEO utilises the organisation resources, budget in order to carry out the strategic plan. WDVCS has nine female board members who came from diverse factions o f the community. Organisational structure frequently involves an array of values and beliefs about the roles and responsibilities on how decisions should be made by using a criterion. The Womens Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria (WDVCS) has a commitment to feminist, democratic work practices. It is essential that decision-making authority be informed by processes that are participatory, democratic, transparent and responsive to the needs of women who use the service. There are two ways decisions can be made ,formal and informal, the formal part is governed by board .WDVCS is not a very hierarchical organisation as such. The organisation has regular meeting, quality committee which involve staff member who have inputs to the organisation policy and procedures via quality meeting and they make recommendation for same policy to be taken for further discussion on staff meeting, CEO of the WDVCS stated in the interview that they take a more democratic and concise of organisation decision making but the end of the day the final decision lies back to CEO. Workers involvement and input to worker meeting and quality meeting result in less frustration with organisational superiors as participation allows workers to feel somewhat accepted. The community does not have much input on the organisation decision making process , however if user or community member were interested in the organisations decision making process they can be nominated to join the board that way they can become more involved. The only way the organisation receive input from community is the feedback from their clients via telephone service and through women who access the accommodation but it is an area the organisation is working on to improve via WDVCS website. So the community can have an opportunity to have an input and provide feedback. The Womens Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria (WDVCS) is committed to a rights advocacy direct service delivery model. The service model emphasises a crisis intervention response, which prioritises safety, informed choices and the rights of women to control decision making about available alternatives. This service model offers high quality crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, support, information, referral and emergency accommodation services to women and their children who are victims of domestic/family violence. The service model is primarily focused on reinstating women and their childrens right to live safely in the community. This service delivery model supports the unique role of the WDVCS as the only statewide telephone crisis service and supported emergency accommodation service provider for women and children who are victims of domestic/family violence. The Womens Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria (WDVCS) recognises the basic human rights of all w omen and children to: safety, shelter and food; live free of fear and violence; and dignity and respect. WDVCS is committed to providing responses that respect the rights of women and their children to be supported in their efforts to be free from violence in an environment that is safe from physical, sexual, emotional/psychological, economic and verbal abuse.The primary service users of WDVCS are women and their children who are victims of domestic/family violence. The Majority of the WDVCS service users are self referral, however they might get a hold of WDVCS information from other services in the sector such as the police, other domestic violence services, community health or the yellow pages. WDVCS has a policy to empower women even if other service do initial referral WDVCS staff will make sure to speak to woman to hear her story with empathy Today, viewpoints toward how organisations should be run vary considerably from the classic bureaucracy expressed by earlier theorists. Efficiency has culminated to have its appeal as the most crucial goal or characteristic of organisations. The work environment itself is seen as a critical variable in how much and how well organisations function to attain their purposes. In todays view organisations are dynamic, developing and changing in interaction with external stimuli. Partnerships within and between organisations form and restructure among employees and interest groups as each searches for to improve its own interests. Within this framework, each organisation cultivates a unique philosophy that influences how it functions (Hanson, 1998). Human service organisations are so different; it is not feasible to touch on all the aspects that affect the organisational base of practice. Internal factors have to do with decisions largely made within the organisation about how it will accomplish its business. External factors include social welfare laws and regulations, judicial decisions, funding allocations, and the level of competition among similar agencies in the community. These and other factors determine the parameters in which the organisation functions and set the boundaries for social work practice within them.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Japans Economic Development and Times of Instability
Japans Economic Development and Times of Instability Japan Economic status Japan’s possibility of controlling the 2011’s Disaster The enormous tremor and tidal wave that struck Japan in March 2011, and the accompanying arrival of radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi atomic force station, speak to one of the best catastrophes to strike the country of Japan in late memory (Bacon, 2014). Canadian media differ on some degree that it was conceivable to control the catastrophe however on my perspective I see Japan had done everything conceivable to keep it from happening. This is as per the way I will clarify underneath. Planning to react to, and relieve the effect of, debacles and conveying help amid and after the occurrence include the readiness and reaction part of managing fiascos. The country of Japan sorted out a huge, fast reaction. Official interchanges that adequately recognize dangers to the general population relieve catastrophes by advancing measures and practices that stay away from, minimize, get ready for, or react to dangers. For such hazard correspondence to be successful it should justifiable, believable, and significant. Japan depended intensely on formal early cautioning frameworks, departure arranges, and alarms to farthest point death toll. As noted, Japan has a far reaching cautioning framework for fiascos like seismic tremors. The administration additionally utilized an assortment of mediums from conventional cautioning sirens to social networking instruments, for example, Twitter Different countries, global associations, non-legislative offices, and outside donors and volunteers routinely offer guide and support in the wake of fiascos. In any case, it is less regular for the most created and well off countries to oblige or demand outside guide. The administration of Japan has a blendsed record in applying remote guide. Role of OPEC on Japan’s Economy Association of the Petroleum Exporting Countries a changeless, universal association headquartered in Vienna, Austria, was created in Baghdad, Iraq on 10–14 September 1960. Its command is to organize and bring together the petroleum approaches of its individuals and to guarantee the adjustment of oil markets to secure an effective, monetary and general supply of petroleum to shoppers, an enduring wage to makers, and a reasonable profit for capital for those putting resources into the petroleum business. It has influenced Japans economy in the accompanying ways. The high and rising cost of oil weights on Japan in two ways. First and foremost, it brings down the way of life underneath what it would some way or another be. Second, it influences the economy in ways that are troublesome for policymakers to oversee. from one viewpoint, the rising oil value goads general expansion. on the other, it discourages local interest and vocation. Policymakers normally dont completely counterbalance the impact on job on the grounds that they all the while attempt to hold down the rate of expansion (Tanimoto, 2006) .Price levels in the Japan rise more with oil cost increments than do value levels in other modern oil-importing nations. The Japan Consumer Price Index rises more than shopper cost lists in different nations primarily in light of the fact that vitality masses bigger in Japan. utilization. The GNP deflator, regularly counseled as a more extensive measure of value execution, likewise rises more in the Japan than in different nations. The deflator measures the cost of locally created yield ; its increment reflects bigger Japan. household oil generation in respect to aggregate GNP an outcome of more prominent Japan. vitality independence. Hence, an ascent in salary and oil utilization will expand Japan oil import volume by a generally bigger rate than it will that of other significant oil-importing nations. Lexus a Legend and not a myth Most incredible autos attained to their status because of one of a kind thoughts, unique configuration, character (whatever may that be) or bliss they convey to their proprietors and drivers. Things being what they are, is it even feasible for a businesslike, coldly proficient and for the most part subsidiary auto to turn into a legend? At the point when the first Lexus, called LS400, was presented in 1989, it unquestionably wasnt the most unique auto available. Truth be told, it not just looked a ton like a W126 Mercedes S-class of the time, it was even named comparably (uproot the L and the auto would fit directly into the naming framework Mercedes began utilizing a couple of years after the fact). Furthermore, it was no occurrence – the LS400 was a consequence of Toyota metals choice to move their business upmarket (Dawson, 2011). A valid example, the 1990 LS400 you can see on pictures here. I obtained it from my companion and kindred motoring writer, who purchased it after he drove it in no holds barred correlation test with another LS600h, and figured out the old one is not just more agreeable than the present one, and even feels more strong.. For one, the thing feels a great deal more cutting edge than any quarter-an exceptionally old auto has any privilege to be. From the cool lit up instrument group with recessed nitwit lights, making an interesting three-dimensional impact like something from Star Trek, to the very much suppressed and exceptionally complex sound of the four-cam, four-liter V8 giving 250 pull. So its actual Lexus is a Legend. Another brand that tackled the greatest names in the business, and hit the nail on the head surprisingly. Furthermore, even after quarter of a century, a standout amongst the most agreeable autos, ever. Recommendation on Japan’s Millitary SHINZO ABE, Japans head administrator, came back to power in 2012 promising to switch a long haul fall in military spending. He has kept that promise. On August 29th the nations resistance service put in a record spending plan solicitation of 5.5 trillion yen ($53 billion), for one year from now, up 3.5% from FY2014. On the off chance that acknowledged by the Diet, it will be the third continuous ascent in spending, compensating for 10 years of decay. The militarys shopping rundown incorporates three automatons, 20 observation flying machine, six F-35 stealth warriors, a submarine and cash for area to manufacture another army installation on a remote island. These buys ought to trigger no alerts, demands Itsunori Onodera, Japans resistance priest (imagined). They are, he says, only about upkeep of Japans protection. China is, obviously, prone to see the overdo it in an unexpected way. A significant part of the resistance assemble up is gone for preventing an assault on Japans far-flung south-east, site of a strained standoff with China over the Senkaku islands (known in China, which asserts them, as the Diaoyu). Japans most recent resistance white paper again refers to perilous exercises by Chinese boats and air ship, which have organized a series of invasions into the oceans around the islands in a high-hazard offer to drive Japan to the arranging table. The planets second biggest economy has turned into an inexorably advanced and independent military force, says Narushige Michishita, a security master in Tokyo. More military spending may not be sufficient to check this advancement, he says. We may need to think of the Asian rendition of NATO; inexactly characterized, approximately arranged†¦ and barring China. Will the Japanese economic bubble burst by 2020? The Japanese resource value air pocket was a financial rise in Japan from 1986 to 1991 in which land and securities exchange costs were extraordinarily swelled .The air pocket scene was portrayed by quick speeding up of benefit costs and overheated monetary action, and an uncontrolled cash supply and credit development More particularly, arrogance and hypothesis with respect to resource and stock costs has been nearly connected with over the top fiscal facilitating arrangement around then. The 1964 Tokyo Olympics put Japan on the guide universally, gave the nation the self-assurance to turn into a worldwide monetary and social power, kickstarting 3 many years of marvelous development. When 2020 comes around (Mansharani, 2011), 56 years will have gone by and Japan will be pretty much 3 decades past its financial crest. Where can Japan get to in the following 7 years and what does this mean for organizations and brand in Japan? A significant part of the universal response to Tokyo being named as host city for the 2020 Olympics has given the news a role as an appreciated fillip to a slow economy and desolated national mind. Those of us who experience life in Japan direct have ended up usual to the differentiation between the truth on the ground and the Japan-on-the-ropes story delineated by universal news channels, thus we see the 2020 Games comes about through a marginally diverse lens. So it is against this background that Japan acknowledges the honor of facilitating the 2020 Games, remunerated for being the financial and social safe pair of hands that the Tokyo offer effectively proposed to the IOC board. It is no big surprise Prime Minister Abe portrayed the outcome as a larger number of cheerful than his 2012 decision result. Olympics gives the inspiration to the infrastructural venture program that is as of now at the heart of Abenomics, yet all the more essentially fills the ideological void in Japanese governmental issues, and can unite the country around a typical subject that is worldwide in stand. References Bacon, P. (2014). Human Security and Japans Triple Disaster: Responding to the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear crisis (Routledge Humanitarian Studies) . London: Routeledge. Dawson, C. (2011). Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit. New Jersey: Wiley. Mansharani, V. (2011). Boombustology: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst . New Jersey: Wiley. Tanimoto, M. (2006). The Role of Tradition in Japans Industrialization: Another Path to Industrialization (Japanese Studies in Economic and Social History Series. London: Oxford University press.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens :: essays research papers
Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens "My main object in this story was, to exhibit in a variety of aspects the commonest of all the vices: to show how Selfishness propagates itself; and to what a grim giant it may grow, from small beginnings"- Charles Dickens about the purpose of his novel: Martin Chuzzlewit (130)"Because the selfish man sees no common interest or bond between himself and the rest of his world he is free from moral compunction, free to construct a false self, mask, rà ´le, or persona, and at pains to protect his real self from the encroachments of a hostile world." - Joseph Gold (131)"Any kind of imagination separated from its material or emanation becomes a Spectre of Selfhood"- Blake (134) 12/20/96Selfishness Versus Goodness and Hypocrisy Versus CandorIn his book, Joseph Gold gives us a rundown on how selfishness embodies itself throughout Martin Chuzzlewit. He analyses likely symbols in the book, which gave me more of an insight and a new perspective that helped me vie w the main characters and their transformation in a different setting. Selfishness and hypocrisy mark their victims with false shells and distorted personalities and lead them to believe in their superiority over mankind. This renders them incapable of experiencing anything real and leave them fumbling after false truths, while taking advantage of the pure at heart. This seems to be the essence of what Gold wants to communicate with his analysis.Pecksniff is the hypocrite who shuns no one when it comes to him making a profit. Unconscious of his inability to self-reflect or perhaps proud of his exalted virtuousness, Pecksniff is the epitome of righteousness, as Gold explains; he is in the book to display the extreme and helps clarify America’s role as a "national Pecksniff". Through him do Thomas Pinch and Martin Chuzzlewit the Elder finally open their eyes to their own lesser vices; Pinch’s naà ¯ve behavior changes after confronted with the real, or should I say false shell of, Pecksniff, while Chuzzlewit Sr. sees parts of himself in Pecksniff and is at the same time reminded of true virtue, honesty and human interdependence through Thomas Pinch. Gold goes thoroughly into an analysis of the paradigm between Jonas and the Book of Jonah, both characters fleeing from their own selves; it isn’t until they accept the wale, as Sairey Gamp puts it, signifying Jonah’s return to God in the whale’s stomach, that they can reach self-fulfillment.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
How Mary Shelley Influences the Readers Reaction to the Creature :: Mary Shelley Frankenstein Essays
How Mary Shelley Influences the Readers Reaction to the Creature When Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1816, it was the birth of a new genre – the creation of a being, sci-fi at its earliest. Frankenstein’s creature, the concept way ahead of its time but a terrifying thought to its first audiences. In the following pages I will be discussing how Mary Shelley influences the readers reaction to the creature, I will be viewing the context of her writing, the way she portrays her view of what it means to be human, the anticipation of the creature’s coming to life, and the language Walton and Frankenstein use to describe the creature. In Walton’s first letter, after he sees the creature, he describes it as ‘the shape of a man†¦ but of apparently gigantic stature’ At first Walton doesn’t know what he saw but thinks the creature is a local and the crew is intrigued that there, out in the ice deserts, man has strayed. Through Waltons enquiring nature, Shelley encourages curiosity in the reader, and Waltons encounter with the creature ‘excites our unqualified wonder’. When Frankenstein first describes the creature, he describes it not as a mother would her newborn baby, but with horror and disgust, he describes its waking moments and its appearance, with and abhorrent attitude, and as soon as the creature awoke, Frankenstein, with a mixture of fright and disgust ran to his bedroom. When Shelley first describes the creatures coming to life, it gives the reader a feeling of both anticipation and anxiety, the detailed and emotive language of the description draws the reader in and captures their imagination. Frankenstein’s first description of the creature, â€Å"†¦ His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was a lustrous black and flowing, †¦ but these luxuriance’s only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white socket in which they were set†The adjectives Shelley uses to describe the creature are visual allowing the reader to visualise the creature as Shelley portrays. The use of rich, textural language animates the creature in the readers mind, such as ‘his yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath’, and ‘his hair was of lustrous black, and flowing’. Shelley’s use of the words â€Å"horrible contrast†give the reader the opinion that the creature is too ‘horrible’ and thus Shelley imposes an opinion on the reader. Before the creature awakes, Shelley has already created an anticipation in the readers, when Frankenstein goes grave hunting and when he is first up in his room where he assembles the creature,
When Religion Hurts :: Suicide Death Medical Essays
When Religion Hurts "The question is do I have a God complex? †¦I have a MD from Harvard. I am board certified in cardio-thoracic medicine and trauma surgery. I have been awarded citations from 7 different medical boards in New England and I am never, ever sick at sea. So I ask you, when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that their wife doesn’t miscarriage, or that their daughter doesn’t bleed to death or that their mother doesn’t suffer acute neuro-trauma from post-operative shock, who do you think they are praying to? Now you go ahead and read your bible Dennis. And you go to your church and with any luck you might win the annual raffle, but if you are looking for God, he was in operating room number 2 on November 17th and he doesn’t like to be second-guessed. You ask me if I have a God complex, let me tell you something, I am God." (Becker, 1993) This quote was taken from the movie Malice. A doctor removed an ovary that he thought was necrotic and the lab result came back that it wasn’t. Unfortunately he removed the other one prior due to having a cyst on it. He was sued for malpractice and during his questioning he was asked if he had a God complex. A God complex is when a doctor believes that he has the power to save a person’s life when God might intend that person to die. The doctor then plays God by trying to undermine the plan that God has created for the patient. Many battles are fought in our society today over who actually controls our destiny. Although euthanasia is not a new concept, it is receiving more attention today. The main advisory for euthanasia is the same one as it was from the start of euthanasia. This advisory is our religious belief. Religion is said to be the key to our salvation, but it also puts blinders on our ethical values. Although religion gives us hope for a better life after death, it is this same belief that prolongs our suffering while still in this p lane of existence. Euthanasia is defined as "The act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Introduction Internet Protocol Suite Essay
The Internet protocol suite is the set of communications protocols used for the Internet and similar networks, and generally the most popularprotocol stack for wide area networks. It is commonly known as TCP/IP, because of its most important protocols: Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), which were the first networking protocols defined in this standard. It is occasionally known as the DoD model due to the foundational influence of the ARPANET in the 1970s (operated by DARPA, an agency of the United States Department of Defense). TCP/IP provides end-to-end connectivity specifying how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination. It has four abstraction layers, each with its own protocols. From lowest to highest, the layers are: The link layer (commonly Ethernet) contains communication technologies for a local network. The internet layer (IP) connects local networks, thus establishing internetworking. The transport layer (TCP) handles host-to-host communication. See more: introduction paragraph example The application layer (for example HTTP) contains all protocols for specific data communications services on a process-to-process level (for example how a web browser communicates with a web server). The TCP/IP model and related protocols are maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SRI First Internetworked Connection diagram Layers in the Internet protocol suite Two Internet hosts connected via two routers and the corresponding layers used at each hop. The application on each host executes read and write operations as if the processes were directly connected to each other by some kind of data pipe. Every other detail of the communication is hidden from each process. The underlying mechanisms that transmit data between the host computers are located in the lower protocol layers. Encapsulation of application data descending through the layers described in RFC 1122 The Internet protocol suite uses encapsulation to provide abstraction of protocols and services. Encapsulation is usually aligned with the division of the protocol suite into layers of general functionality. In general, an application (the highest level of the model) uses a set of protocols to send its data down the layers, being further encapsulated at each level. The â€Å"layers†of the protocol suite near the top are logically closer to the user application, while those near the bottom are logically closer to the physical transmission of the data. Viewing layers as providing or consuming a service is a method ofabstraction to isolate upper layer protocols from the nitty-gritty detail of transmitting bits over, for example, Ethernet and collision detection, while the lower layers avoid having to know the details of each and every application and its protocol. Even when the layers are examined, the assorted architectural documentsâ€â€there is no single architectural model such as ISO 7498, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) modelâ€â€have fewer and less rigidly defined layers than the OSI model, and thus provide an easier fit for real-world protocols. In point of fact, one frequently referenced document, RFC 1958, does not contain a stack of layers. The lack of emphasis on layering is a strong difference between the IETF and OSI approaches. It only refers to the existence of the â€Å"internetworking layer†and generally to â€Å"upper layers†; this document was intended as a 1996 â€Å"snapshot†of the architecture: â€Å"The Internet and its architecture have grown in evolutionary fashion from modest beginnings, rather than from a Grand Plan. While this process of evolution is one of the main reasons for the technology’s success, it nevertheless seems useful to record a snapshot of the current principles of the Internet architecture. RFC 1122, entitled Host Requirements, is structured in paragraphs referring to layers, but the document refers to many other architectural principles not emphasizing layering. It loosely defines a four-layer model, with the layers having names, not numbers, as follows: †¢Application layer (process-to-process): This is the scope within which applications create user data and communicate this data to other processes or applications on another or the same host. The communications partners are often called peers. This is where the â€Å"higher level†protocols such as SMTP, FTP, SSH, HTTP, etc. operate. †¢Transport layer (host-to-host): The transport layer constitutes the networking regime between two network hosts, either on the local network or on remote networks separated by routers. The transport layer provides a uniform networking interface that hides the actual topology (layout) of the underlying network connections. This is where flow-control, error-correction, and connection protocols exist, such as TCP. This layer deals with opening and maintaining connections between Internet hosts. Internet layer (internetworking): The internet layer has the task of exchanging datagrams across network boundaries. It is therefore also referred to as the layer that establishes internetworking, indeed, it defines and establishes the Internet. This layer defines the addressing and routing structures used for the TCP/IP protocol suite. The primary protocol in this scope is the Internet Protocol, which defines IP addresses. Its function in routing is to transport datagrams to the next IP router that has the connectivity to a network closer to the final data destination. Link layer: This layer defines the networking methods within the scope of the local network link on which hosts communicate without intervening routers. This layer describes the protocols used to describe the local network topology and the interfaces needed to effect transmission of Internet layer datagrams to next-neighbor hosts. (cf. the OSI data link layer). The Internet protocol suite and the layered protocol stack design were in use before the OSI model was established. Since then, the TCP/IP model has been compared with the OSI model in books and classrooms, which often results in confusion because the two models use different assumptions, including about the relative importance of strict layering. This abstraction also allows upper layers to provide services that the lower layers cannot, or choose not, to provide. Again, the original OSI model was extended to include connectionless services (OSIRM CL). For example, IP is not designed to be reliable and is a best effort delivery protocol. This means that all transport layer implementations must choose whether or not to provide reliability and to what degree. UDP provides data integrity (via a checksum) but does not guarantee delivery; TCP provides both data integrity and delivery guarantee (by retransmitting until the receiver acknowledges the reception of the packet). This model lacks the formalism of the OSI model and associated documents, but the IETF does not use a formal model and does not consider this a limitation, as in the comment by David D. Clark, â€Å"We reject: kings, presidents and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code. †Criticisms of this model, which have been made with respect to the OSI model, often do not consider ISO’s later extensions to that model. 1. For multiaccess links with their own addressing systems (e. g. Ethernet) an address mapping protocol is needed. Such protocols can be considered to be below IP but above the existing link system. While the IETF does not use the terminology, this is a subnetwork dependent convergence facility according to an extension to the OSI model, the internal organization of the network layer (IONL). . ICMP & IGMP operate on top of IP but do not transport data like UDP or TCP. Again, this functionality exists as layer management extensions to the OSI model, in its Management Framework (OSIRM MF) . 3. The SSL/TLS library operates above the transport layer (uses TCP) but below application protocols. Again, there was no intention, on the part of the designers of these protocols, to comply with OSI architecture. 4. The link is treated like a black box here. This is fine for discussing IP (since the whole point of IP is it will run over virtually anything). The IETF explicitly does not intend to discuss transmission systems, which is a less academic but practical alternative to the OSI model. The following is a description of each layer in the TCP/IP networking model starting from the lowest level. Link layer The link layer is the networking scope of the local network connection to which a host is attached. This regime is called the link in Internet literature. This is the lowest component layer of the Internet protocols, as TCP/IP is designed to be hardware independent. As a result TCP/IP is able to be implemented on top of virtually any hardware networking technology. The link layer is used to move packets between the Internet layer interfaces of two different hosts on the same link. The processes of transmitting and receiving packets on a given link can be controlled both in the software device driver for the network card, as well as on firmware or specialized chipsets. These will perform data link functions such as adding a packet header to prepare it for transmission, then actually transmit the frame over a physical medium. The TCP/IP model includes specifications of translating the network addressing methods used in the Internet Protocol to data link addressing, such as Media Access Control (MAC), however all other aspects below that level are implicitly assumed to exist in the link layer, but are not explicitly defined. This is also the layer where packets may be selected to be sent over a virtual private network or other networking tunnel. In this scenario, the link layer data may be considered application data which traverses another instantiation of the IP stack for transmission or reception over another IP connection. Such a connection, or virtual link, may be established with a transport protocol or even an application scope protocol that serves as a tunnel in the link layer of the protocol stack. Thus, the TCP/IP model does not dictate a strict hierarchical encapsulation sequence. Internet layer The internet layer has the responsibility of sending packets across potentially multiple networks. Internetworking requires sending data from the source network to the destination network. This process is called routing In the Internet protocol suite, the Internet Protocol performs two basic functions: †¢Host addressing and identification: This is accomplished with a hierarchical addressing system (see IP address). †¢Packet routing: This is the basic task of sending packets of data (datagrams) from source to destination by sending them to the next network node (router) closer to the final destination. The internet layer is not only agnostic of application data structures at the transport layer, but it also does not distinguish between operation of the various transport layer protocols. So, IP can carry data for a variety of different upper layer protocols. These protocols are each identified by a unique protocol number: for example, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) are protocols 1 and 2, respectively. Some of the protocols carried by IP, such as ICMP (used to transmit diagnostic information about IP transmission) and IGMP (used to manage IP Multicast data) are layered on top of IP but perform internetworking functions. This illustrates the differences in the architecture of the TCP/IP stack of the Internet and the OSI model. The internet layer only provides an unreliable datagram transmission facility between hosts located on potentially different IP networks by forwarding the transport layer datagrams to an appropriate next-hop router for further relaying to its destination. With this functionality, the internet layer makes possible internetworking, the interworking of different IP networks, and it essentially establishes the Internet. The Internet Protocol is the rincipal component of the internet layer, and it defines two addressing systems to identify network hosts computers, and to locate them on the network. The original address system of the ARPANET and its successor, the Internet, is Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). It uses a 32-bit IP address and is therefore capable of identifying approximately four billion hosts. This limitation was eliminated by the standardization of Internet Protoc ol version 6 (IPv6) in 1998, and beginning production implementations in approximately 2006.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Forces of Nature Mic Heal Porter
In dealing with strategic planning, I think that this would deal with the way an organization try’s to incorporate strategy in their decision making process. The correct strategy will allow the organization to plan a set of goals and also be able to achieve these goals. Strategic planning is how the organization tries to evolve their current status into where they feel they should be in the future. In routine planning this is the type of planning that is by the book. Routine meaning by the book and following all the procedures with no actual goals and no mention of the future. The differences between the two planning systems is that one only follows the rules and the other thinks outside the box by thinking about the future of the organization. An example of strategic planning, is when an organization starts with having a mission by coming up with the organizations strengths and weaknesses. The plan has to have an outcome that leads the organization into the future (my strategic plan. com). An example of a routine plan would be a book list of instructions and it is mapped out and the first thing they will do is try to find certain goals to move the company forward to the next level but is not worried about the future of the organization. When an organization does not use strategic planning than the organization will not be able to control their futures and be stuck following a routine approach. If an organization does not have a strategic plan they will only be able to address the immediate problems and this is a form of crisis management. When an organization has a strategic plan, the organization becomes more proactive in achieving their goals instead of reactive. When an organization is reactive they are following the set of guidelines of a routine. When an organization has a strategic plan but it is poor it is really like not having one at all. The organization that has a poor strategic planning system is not on a good track and when the plan was implemented it was done incorrectly. When the people of the organization implemented the plan not everyone bought into this plan this is one of the reasons why it is broken and it is poor. The only way to un-break or fix what is broken is to re-implement the plan to make sure that every person in the organization will buy into for the sake of the organizations future (Iowa State University, 1995-2013). The organization that does not have a strategic plan will not be able to make a future for their organization. When an organization thinks outside the box they usual are the organization will flourish in the long-run. The only problem with having a failing strategic plan is the fact that it could have been a good plan if all the members of the organization bought into it. Fixing a strategic plan is sometimes more difficult than actually rolling one out to your organization. References My Strategic Plan (2103). Researched the difference between routine planning and strategic plan. Found an article on what is the difference between a strategic plan and a business plan. Retrieved from website Iowa State University (1995-2013). Researched what happens when an organization has a poor strategic plan. Retrieved from website
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Internal & External Conflict Essay
Struggle, struggle, struggle! We live in a time of conflict, external and internal. External conflict is a struggle between man and an outside force. Internal conflict is a struggle between man and self. Dealing with each conflict can be difficult, but there’s always a way to deal with it nonetheless. Dealing with internal conflict can be more difficult because you’re dealing with your own emotions and it can sometimes lead to depression. Don’t push away your thoughts if you are dealing with internal conflict. Pushing away your thoughts would make the situation more intense. Think about ways you can manage it instead of pushing the thoughts away. It can help if you write the conflict down or don’t let your mind fight itself. Dealing with external conflict is sometimes more simple. Effective listening is a way to deal with external conflict. It’s important to listen and understand the other person’s point of view. Effective listening doesnâ₠¬â„¢t always work out which is why communication is key. It’s important to clearly communicate your own feelings without putting the other person on the defensive. The conflicts I have dealt with in my life are mostly internal. I try my best to keep my problems within myself so that the conflict I’m dealing with doesn’t become another person’s problem. I wouldn’t want an internal conflict to become an external conflict, so I manage my problems myself. Growing up, I’ve always found it difficult to choose between one choice and the other. My most common line I’ve used is â€Å"It doesn’t matter†. I have always been scared of choosing one thing and having it become the wrong choice. Even up to now, I still use that line. I know it’s going to become a problem. Real soon, I would have to stop using that line and start making choices myself. The choices I have to choose from could be as little as which flavor of ice cream I want to as big as choosing when I want to start driving classes. I have to stop having other people choose for me and start choosing for myself because one day, itâ₠¬â„¢s going to become an even bigger problem. Other than that, if something personal were really hitting me hard, I would draw or read just to get through the problem. I would most likely read to escape reality because being in the book’s world is a place I would rather be in at that moment. I rarely deal with external conflict. When I do, I take it really hard because I haven’t dealt with much external conflict in my life. I try my best to be a good person and prevent myself into getting into situations with another person. If I were ever dealing with external conflict, it would most likely be a disagreement with another person. I’m that person who stands their ground. If I had an opinion or a chance to prove someone wrong, I would. It’s not about being right; it’s about preventing another person into believing something else when it’s wrong. Yes, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but sometimes that opinion of something is not right. I have a lot of patience, so I wouldn’t snap at someone right when there’s a disagreement. If someone were really getting on my nerves, I would stand my ground. I would say what I have to say then stop and walk away because sometimes, it’s just not worth it. One external conflict I always have to deal with is plain and simple, my brother. I have three older brothers, but one specific brother of mine is a complete nuisance. We fight on a daily basis and sometimes standing my ground isn’t even worth it. One night, we had a disagreement on school. My brother believes that school is a waste of time and being book smart is not as beneficial as having common sense. He says that being book smart isn’t going to get you anywhere in life and that common sense will make you more successful. I disagree with him completely because nowadays, you need an education to have a successful life. I just want to prove to him that I’m not going to be a failure and striving to do my best is going to pay off. Everyone is going to have to encounter a conflict in his or her life. Nobody’s perfect and everyone’s different so there’s always going to be problems. Conflict isn’t a bad thing. The only kind of bad conflict is unresolved conflict. Getting through a conflict will make you stronger and you’ll be able to conquer life more successfully. Internal conflict is harder to deal with in my own opinion because with internal conflict, no one can help you but yourself. You can get help to deal with an internal conflict, but at the end of the day, it’s up to yourself to get through the problem. When it comes to external conflict, there will always have someone who has your back and will help you out, which is why internal conflict is worst. One conflict can become stronger than the other if you are better at handling one conflict and getting past it than the other. The best ways to deal with internal conflict is to talk about the problem or do something to get your mind off it. The best ways to deal with external conflict is think about a way to solve the conflict without making it worst, walk away, or once again, do something to get your mind off it. One little tip, attitude will only make the conflict worst. Conflict is inevitable and it’s needed. Conflict develops a character. If there weren’t conflict in the world, life would be a bore.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Marketing plan about Tan Hiep Phat
Marketing Environment HTTP owns a modern production line and performs very well in managing quality tit international standard such as ‘SO, and others. Moreover, they have invested significantly in research and development. One of the important strengths of the company is that they have a strong distribution system. HTTP also has some limitations. The company has only one factory which cannot provide enough products to the market. In addition, the customer service of the company underperformed is another disadvantage.The limited liability company is going to develop to Join-stock company for its benefit of such organizational structure. The weather of Vietnam creates a great opportunities for the support of tea. Therefore, HTTP has a large number of supporters. Moreover, the development of technology fosters the communication between customers and producer more easily and inexpensively. Although there are great opportunities, HTTP is suffering from competitive pressure. While t he direct competitor – CO has dominated a large proportion of market, there are so many substitute products for consumers to choose for the same need.Furthermore, the unstable economy has made some impact on the input and purchase process. Target Market The target market of Zero Degree Green Tea is Vietnamese young adults who account or a large proportion of population in Vietnam. Zero Degree Green Tea aims to be a convenient drink that is good for health and has good taste in top of consumers' mind. Marketing Mix HTTP provides many kinds of green tea in the product line which satisfy different taste of target consumers. The Zero Degree Green Tea is produced by modern technology and contain healthy components such as vitamins.The product is packaged in PET bottle which is reusable. The bottle is designed with green color, so it looks fresh and eye-catching to target consumers. At the beginning, HTTP follows the skimming price strategy with the Zero Degree Green Tea product. T hey want consumers to know that the product has good quality and healthy. At the current time, Zero Degree Green Tea has been set at the market price to compete with other competitors. Promotion strategy of Zero Degree Green Tea focuses on media advertising.In addition, some sales promotion programs were implemented to attract its target market. Products provided by HTTP take advantage from the reputation of the company including Zero Degree Green Tea. HTTP has built good relations with society and media in variety of social activities. HTTP has invested 50 million dollar in striation and facilities. There are two new factories have been built in Chug Alai and Ha Name to provide inventory for the market in the Middle and the North of Vietnam. Zero Degree Green Tea is distributed intensively to the market through many intermediaries.Company Description Tan Hippie Path was well known as Ben Than bear before. It was established in 1994 by Dry. Trans Guy Than. Nowadays, besides hundreds of foreign brands in drinking industry like Pepsi, Coca Cola, Tan Hippie Path almost converts awareness of Vietnamese about carbonated drink into healthier drink. Tan Hippie Pears products intended to achieve the title â€Å"Vietnam High Quality Goods†by consumers voted in honor of National Brands in 2010 and the other valuable prizes which makes the customers trust in quality management as well as environmental protection of Tan Hippie Path.The company is recognized as Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 :2000 in 1999, Environmental Management system ISO 14001 : 2004 2006 and Hygiene Management System Food Safety HACK standards in 2006 Facilities of Tan Hippie Path Company are very large and organizing: Head Office is at 219 provincial highway located in Bin Dung, Vine PH, Than An, Bin Dung. Scale factory broader 110,000 mm, with the equipment, technological lines of research, and the most modern manufacturing Southeast Asia.Furthermore, HTTP is proud to be one of the units owned in many produce technology, the most modern lines Vietnam as sterile lines extracted Aseptic cold, fresh beer, beverages and fermented production line. In 2004, symbolism production with advanced technology shelling of Japan was first applied in Vietnam. Than Herbal Tea, Number 1 energy drink, soy milk Soya Number 1, and so on is the leading brand in the market, has proved HTTP always go early in accessing and understanding the ever-changing needs of consumers.For instance, the most well-known drink, also in one of the first product Tan Hippie Path has produced, Zero decree Green Tea has taken a huge place in drinking generation. Strategic Focus and Plan Vision The vision of company is to become the leading Asian corporations in three main business sectors such as industry drinks, instant food, and plastic packaging. This is measured by a lot of factors; firstly, the company is located in the top 10 leading company in the beverage market and food in Vietnam.Secon dly, it has to achieve Total Quality Management certification and international management standard. The final factor is internal market penetration; the company makes effort to enter brand of Zero Degree green Tea to Asian market. Mission Tan Hippie Path Group produces and does business the healthy products that are good for Asian consumers with the taste and quality of products according to international standards. At the same time, the company has to satisfy the highest demands of customers to deserve as preferred supplier as well as a reliable partner in business. GoalThe objective of the Tan Hippie Path Trading and Services Limited Liability Company is to create the best drink products through multiple brands such as Number 1, Zero Degree Green Tea, Herbal Tea Dry Than to consumers by an extensive distribution system and spread over 64 provinces in Vietnam. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Core Competency Each company has special core competency. So does Ta n Hippie Path, for them, â€Å"Today more than yesterday but not right by tomorrow with Spirit†Nothing is impossible†and they commit to achieve â€Å"International quality standards†.Moreover, the many sets orientation according to the highest spirit of family and becomes a trusted partner. HTTP group is striving to become responsible and respectable citizens in the society. Competitive Advantage To compete with the giants of world-class beverages are available in Vietnam, Tan Hippie Path beverage group tried incessantly to create differences. The advantage of HTTP is flexibility, quick decision making, know how to find out the potential demand of consumers to meet and continuous improvement.The more important thing is that HTTP group is always interested in the development of community because it plays the important role to successes of business. Therefore, HTTP involved in social activities and charity very much. â€Å"l am aware the consumer is king, decide the survival of your business, so in order to receive the support of consumers, we have the contribution by contrast, creates belief in love. Therefore, I have captured the hearts of Vietnamese customers. Success depends on many factors, but ultimately the quality of the product remains the number one criteria. (Businessman Trans Quiz Than-CEO of Tan Hippie Path group) Situation Analysis SOOT Analysts Strengths High-quality human resources Modern productions line and productions facilities HTTP is one of the most leading firm, which achieve integrated systems stability standards: ISO 9001-2004, 14001-2000 Having large share of the market for non-gas beverage Substantial investment in product research and development Numerous award for quality, participated in many social events Wide distribution system Weaknesses There is only one factory located in Bin Dung Firm only focus on domestic market Taps beverage products compete with each other.Customer service is not good Limited liabil ity company Opportunities Large market with modern consumer. High quality materials contribute to improve the quality of products Climate of Vietnam will be a business opportunity if HTTP development suitable products. Tropical climate increases demand for consumer beverage. There are a large number of material supplier of HTTP, That facilitates for manufacture to ensure inputs are favorable Information technology and mass media develop image of HTTP and its products Vietnam located in South East Asia and close to ocean.That is good position for export to foreign market Vietnam have Joint in WTFO since 2006 Drinking tea is traditional habit of Vietnamese and Asian Threats Competitive pressure: Taps products can be competed with other direct competitors like CO of ARC and other substitute goods Customers require more about quality of product and packaging. That increase pressure on R & D department of HTTP Unfair competition Inflation impact on cost of input and purchasing of custome r Complex criteria of hygiene and safety Industry Analysis It is predicted that, Vietnamese beverage tent to increase gradually in gas beverages at about 5% per year.Whereas, non-gas beverage will have a significant growth at a rate of 10% a year, within the period between 2007 and 2015. Specifically, mineral water ND bottle water will have average increase of 12% per year, fruit Juice's figures will increase at 4-7% per year (2007-20019) and 10-12% per year (2010-2015). Most of beverage firm tends to produce and sale non -gas beverage, especially products that's good for consumer's health. In Vietnam and world's beverage market, bottled green tea have been developing significantly, since ass.Almost famous brand which have appeared in Vietnam for many year have produced green tea products in Europe, the U. S, Japan's market. Such as: Lipton, Nestle, Unprinted, ARC. At the moment, there are a lot of green tea products which are bottled. The two most popular product are â€Å"Zero de gree green tea†of Tan Hippie Path, CO of ARC. Specifically, the Statistic of Nielsen in 2011 illustrated that. â€Å"Zero degree green tea†accounted for 13% of the market while, Co's figures were 8,1%.Furthermore, another statistic from Nielsen also showed development of Zero degree green tea proportion in bottled Vietnam green tea market that 1/2007: 30%3/2007: 40%4/2007: 48%5/2007: 49%6/2007: 53%7/2007: 52%8/2007: 57%9/2007: Fact of tea industry Vietnam have climate and geographic conditions for growing of tea. There are 33 over 54 provinces of Vietnam grow tea. Such as Thai Unguent, Lam Dong which is famous place for growing tea in Vietnam. Within period between 2003 and 2004, Tea's output growth steadily and Tea's area were 100. 0006 ha.Thus, it's good opportunity for bottle green tea to develop because of low cost of input. Competitor analysis Since, Tan Hippie Path discovered and developed bottled green tea market, â€Å"Zero degree green tea†brand have begun to be the most popular product in the market. Then, bottled green tea have become potential market that big brands began to Join in. In consequence, there are many bottled green tea products form other firms omitted in this market. Such as: Real leaf (Coca-Cola), Fresh (Vanilla), Lipton Pure Green (Pepsi), CO (ARC).Furthermore, many brands also diversified instance bottled green tea products. Such as artichoke tea, lemon green tea, honey green tea, free- sugar green tea. It creates their differences compared to other competitor. Prefigure 1: The bottled green tea market of Vietnam in 2011 (At-Nielsen) Although many products of many firm in the bottled green tea market, the report of Canticles illustrates that the two most popular products areas of ARC and Zero degree green EAI of Tan Hepatic. The two big ones still maintain a significant distance rather than other brands.Investing in Vietnam with total capital of 14,5 million, CO took aggressive advertising campaign, in 2010, ARC raised the yield to 70% by expanding factories in Ho Chi Mini City and completing new one in Ha Non. To compete against opponent- Tan Hepatic which discovered and had larger market shares, CO found its own way. It is focusing on developing distribution network, particularly in big cities and choosing PET bottles which have a small capacity (mall) to fit the customer hand's size. In consequence, ARC achieved 57% growth in Vietnam in 2011.Therein, CO is the major revenue of beverages segment with the best growth. Company The first and most important reason why Tan Hippie Path has a high position as it is today is the company's strengths in facilities and human resources. They have a high quality input sources from prestigious suppliers. Besides (in addition), a well- equipped infrastructure system with modern machineries, equipment, research facilities and the most modern manufacturing process in Asian, alongside with high regarded labor protection procedures to ensure safety for employees.In HTTP, their moderators (leader) are ambitious and visionary managers: They are very flexible, make decision based on hard working researches and discussions. The success of CO Green Tea is depicted by a great effort of them while they knew how to find out the potential needs of consumers to satisfy and continuous improvement, and not afraid to roll out new products to compete in a hot market of beverage drinks. Their workers are also professionally trained and with high responsibility.Furthermore, Tan Hippie Path has over 17 years of operation in beverage industries and serves the nonuser, company always get customer's trust and appreciation for high quality products and service. It is Illustrated with 11 consecutive years (1999-2009), HTTP was voted as â€Å"one of the top quality brand of Viet Name†by Saigon marketing newspaper readers. The company is one of the leading enterprises of the country reached an international quality standards system such as ISO 90 01-2004, 14001-2000, HACK etc.Especially, they have a larger market share of the beverage market with an extensive distribution system. Indeed, there are other reasons for the company's success and marketing strategies is one of the prominent factors to achieve that. Overall, Tan Hippie Path used their strengths in marketing strategies analysis and evaluation process to satisfy customer about high quality products as well as achieving mission goals. Consumer analysis Customers account for an inseparable part in Tan Hippie Path business.Therefore, customer segmentation and analyzing consumers' characteristics are very essential. Particularly, Tan Hippie Path realized that nowadays consumers have higher education levels and their living standard is better than before, so they always require better laity products. Viet Name is a populous country and with young population who follow modern lifestyle with fast food and convenient drink. Another pro for beverage development is a tropical climate (very hot) so this increase demands for cool drinking.In addition, with respect to the lifestyle of Vietnamese, their products are combinations of traditional (tradition of drinking tea) and modernity (the product is capable of using fast). Tan Hippie Path provides valuable contribution to customers through health and nutrition which is one of the issues people concern today. Take example, because green tea is good for human health: increase resistance, refresh body (compare with Coca cola). O degree green tea of company is a high quality product too that is guaranteed thanks to technology bottled still in high temperatures from 86 degrees C to 90 degrees C.This process keeps honest green tea flavor characteristics, pure quality, and nutrition. Market-product Focus Target Market Zero Degree Green Tea's target market is Vietnamese young adults who are suffering from the negative impacts of fast-paced lifestyle such as pollution, great pressure at school and work. Therefore, t hey raise awareness of healthy drinks use (Best Sustained Success, 2011). Since Vietnam has youthful age structure, this target market becomes very attractive.If GET dominates the market, HTTP can gain much profit. Points of Difference HTTP provides ready-to-drink green tea to the markets with some points of difference. Firstly, it is convenient to carry on and it saves time of making. Moreover, Zero Degree Green Tea is made by natural materials and it has no gas. Therefore, the product does not damage consumers' health. In addition, GET taste very good with lemon flavor. Another difference is that GET is packaged in high quality bottles using PET technology and they are reusable.Positioning The positioning of GET in consumers' mind is a healthy product which supports energy to young consumers. Green tea is also a traditional drink in Vietnam and HTTP has made it more convenient to consume. In addition, the product has low price which is more affordable for everybody, especially you ng people. Marketing Program Product strategy Product line. Tan Hippie Path also provides a variety of green tea products such as free-sugar green tea, lemon green tea, honey green tea honey and lemon green tea, ND even prepare to launch green tea in box.It has diversified the containers of original flavors such as producing lemon green tea in glass bottle, PET bottle and can to satisfy customer needs and wants. Unique product quality. Produced on modern Japanese technological production line with selected verdant leaves plucked out of tea plants on plains, green tea is able to keep its natural and pure flavor. Green tea is mad through hot extraction process in order to ensure food safety and hygiene standard and to detain precious essences of green tea. Zero Degree Green Tea has original flavors to satisfy consumer needs and increase customer value.With nutritious element such as vitamins E, C, and especially EGG, a strong anti-dioxide element, green tea helps people to reduce stre ss, reinforce resistance, prevent skin ageing and cancer in order to cool down your body and spirit after a hardworking day or after a long trip. Furthermore, this products have light yellow color which is same color with nature tea and is not too much sweet. It makes consumers believe that this beverage is good for their health, although, people normally think that bottled and manned drink is harmful from color chemical and sweeteners.It is very convenient to bring along Zero Degree Green Tea on trips, picnics, or in conferences†¦ And sometimes simply drink it at home instead of purified water. Packaging. Its cover are designed finely because green color on it makes consumers feel fresh and friendly with the environment. It is also eye-catching and distinguished from other competitors' products. With the use of heat-resisting mall PET bottle, the choice of trade mark logo (two circles), and green tea bears high aesthetic value under the sponsorship of Number One trademark.Its cover are designed finely because green color on it makes consumers feel fresh and friendly with the environment. It is also eye-catching and distinguished from other competitors' products. Price strategy Since Tan Hippie Path group explored the bottled green tea market in the early of 2006 and achieved success, this market has become an exciting†playground†with a lot of participants such as CO, Green tea 100 and Lipton green tea. In that situation, Tan Hippie Path used the advantage of â€Å"first-mover†in green tea market in order to apply skimming pricing strategy to Zero Degree Green Tea.It means that Tan Hippie Path sets the price which was 20 % more than the others beverage. However, customers still accepted and were willing to buy the product with that price because it was still consistent with Vietnamese standard of living at that time. PET bottle Zero degree green tea Green tea 100 Lipton pure green tea some VEND 7,500 VEND 6800 mall VEND 5,500 mall VE ND 6,000 Figure 2: Retail price comparison of RED green tea 2011 in Vietnam Although the price of zero degree green tea is higher than others, the customers really desiring the product are willing to pay.These people are not very price sensitive because they usually concern more about the quality of the product. When the company sets the higher price compared to the competitors, the customers think that the quality of product is higher than others, too. Tan Hippie Path grasped clients' psychology which most consumers believe that the high price is the good quality. This is one of the factors contributing to the success of this product. However, nowadays, the green tea market becomes more and more competitive with a lot of new brands penetrating the market such as Tea Plus, Fresh, Wonderland and Thin Tar.The customers have ore comparisons about price and quality between the different brands to choose the best product for themselves. Therefore, Tan Hippie Path does not concentrate on skimming price strategy as the first time. The price of Zero Degree green Tea at the moment is medium compared to the other brands in the bottled green tea market. However, within the advantage of â€Å"first mover†, Zero Degree Green Tea has been known and believed in high quality and healthy product, so customer behavior does not change significantly in purchasing decision making.Moreover, setting the medium price is also another advantage of this product in today's market because he company can prevent some brands from entering the market. If Tan Hippie Path still keeps high price as the first time, this makes lots of chances for the other brands entering the market by setting lower price but also ensuring to earn profit. Promotion strategy Zero Degree Green Tea is the first ready-to-drink tea in the market of Vietnam. By understanding consumer's psychology, it had a high position in the consumer's perception. However, today the market has a lot of substitute products.Faci ng this risk, it should focus more on promotion strategic to attract consumer. Tan Hippie Path articulated on activities sponsored in many different fields such as: sports, arts and culture-social activities. Whether being charities donation or trade the item are not out the main purpose for the consumer that is make consumer know about the product and its brand. In the year later, Tan Hippie Path was standing in the top 10 businesses spent on advertising in Vietnam. The most activities are funded biggest like brands for health care, such as: green tea, Barley tea.Advertising. The media which was used in advertising of Zero Degree Green Tea was variety such as newspapers, magazines, televisions and outdoor advertisement. Zero Degree Green Tea has creative advertisement, which has been broadcasting in popular channels like WV, TV and Vietnamese cable TV like ACTS, heal, Lets Viet, yang TV, ACTS. Target customers is people who concerned with health and nutrition so their advertisement concentrated on delivering the idea that Zero Degree Green Tea is able to keep tea's natural and pure flavor.Print Advertisement was posted on almost newspapers such as Auto tree (Youth), Than nine, The gigs pH nu (Women's World), Tip HTH gig Dinah (Marketing family). Advertising campaigns about utilities and benefits of Zero Degree Green Tea which were posted 1 time/week in 3/2006, is presented in the newspapers and magazines. There are several bus stations in which Zero Degree Green Tea puts their advertising panels. Painting advertising on the buses is also the best way for attracting consumer. Moreover, people possibly notice on those advertisements and try to drink Zero Degree Green Tea.They use tools to support sales such as promotions, consumer sampling, sampling route, display products, posters, billboards, organize event to increase brand perception for consumers. Internet is the quickest and shortest way to deliver information to any consumer. Their own website which is u pdated regularly. They also use social network such as backbone which is crowned with young people in community network. In some popular websites for specific group of people (zing. Van, heal . Com, yang. Net), Zero Degree Green Tea puts their animated banner to display attractively their product.Publicity and Public Relations. In the economy's situation today, advertising is declined gradually and abdicated for PR then raising activities and the creation of corporate value are not only in the quality of product, but also the brand's image associated tit the community activities. Tan Hippie Path considered this as a principle of its business operations. Zero Degree Green Tea's brand associated with sports activities, typical is ‘Student contest: Literature – Fitness -Art 2012 U – League' (Hoi HTH sins vine Van-The-My 2012 U-League).Besides the programs funded to the health care of community that were done by Tan Hippie Path such as ‘Day for blood glucose te sting and caring diabetes patients' (Nagy hoi HTH dung yet VA sham Soc been Nan dad that dung); TV Program ‘For the quality of life' (Vi chat lung choc song) aired on HTTP. The meaningful of community activities have asserted Tan Hippie Pat's brand increasingly not only production, good business but also serving the community benefits. Tan Hippie Path Group and music channels Hanta signed cooperation within two years from 9/9/2009.Because their customers are young people and with the same goal which is bringing quality products to consumers, the cooperation between the two sides will support each other in business expansion and exploitation market potential and advertising two brands. Tan Hippie Path got many certifications such as Vietnamese flag of Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs' Unit Emulation excellent work of occupational safety and health in 2006 (03/17/2007); certificate of famous Brand country (26/04/2008); -ran Hippie Path received Vietnamese' Gold Sta r Medals, honoring businesses WTFO, Vietnam Dragon Symbol (30/0112010).These prizes and certifications are recognition of government and community about product's quality. Sales promotion. Tan Hippie Path had many promotion's methods such as discount for buying block, lucky prices, promotions in supermarkets and other retailers to applying for consumers. They organized a lot of activities to promote and deliver their product. For example, promotion program ‘Fun spring, torn label, winning gold' (Year of the Dragon 2012); Zero Degree Green Tea-life moments cooling-Khan shack gigs intent choc song (2012); Zero Degree Green Tea- smile spread-Nu quoi Ian too.Goal of this event is creating opportunities for people to laugh with all people in Vietnam and spread the spirit of optimism, love of life to other people, discover the power of smile. In addition, Tan Hippie Path also held mini- contests for community networks on fan page of Zero Degree Green Tea. Game- shows were taken plac e every week with attractive gifts. On the occasion of holidays, hey were a sponsor for the promotion of the discount programs of Big C supermarket, Co-pop mart, Metro to stimulate consumption on last year's holidays.Personal selling. Main orientation of Zero Degree Green Tea is most concerned with agency. In the mature stage of the product life cycle should not promote this tool. Because of customers and distributors were aware of product's brand in market. Primarily based on advertising to inform, persuade and remind customers. Direct marketing. The company will directly promote their product to targeted customer and improve brand awareness as well. Tan Hippie Path has always focused on tools of discount for sales to wholesalers and retailers.Promote policies and programs as well as support sales and promotions to attract and retain the principal agents. Promotion cost. Nowadays, Zero Degree Green Tea is high in position in the product life cycle. Advertising campaign in favor of psychology attained good results in building images of a natural product, beneficial health, bringing fresh feeling fresh, cool. At the same time, awareness of the tea's benefits for consumers is quite high (over 50 %), besides that the Joining of another brands such as CO, Fresh, tea plus, hat also contributes to increasing competition in the market.Advertisements are not only introducing the product but also its purpose is increasing revenue and profit. However, depending on the life cycle of products that promotions have a certain goal, Zero Degree Green Tea of Tan Hippie Path is on saturated stage of the life cycle of product while rivals the brand's market share is quite Vietnam large, each brand launching different strategies to attract customers. It leads to market which is influenced by many factors detrimental to business so at this time, the primary objective of business is strategy to compete with rivals and large market shares.Therefore budget planning which is suitable for promotional activities will contribute to the success goals. Figure 3: The promotion cost and revenue of Zero Degree Green Tea over the period of life cycle product At the present, the bottled green tea market share is full, Zero Degree Green Tea has to compete more drastically with other opponent. Tap Hippie Path was assessed one of five companies having the highest promotion cost in 2009. Specifically, promotion cost increased 3 times at that time, while other competitor's figures were quite small
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