Monday, September 30, 2019
Brain Development And Early Childhood Education Essay
Babies begin to learn about the world around them from a very early age. Children’s early experiences – the bonds they form with their parents and their first learning experiences – deeply affect their future physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. Learning starts in infancy, long before formal education begins, and continues throughout life. A young child’s brain needs certain types of stimulation to develop properly. Without that stimulation, certain types of learning will not be possible when the child enters school. Experts tell us that 90% of all brain development occurs by the age of five. If we don’t begin thinking about education in the early years, our children are at risk of falling behind by the time they start Kindergarten. This is why Early Childhood Education is so important. Infants and toddlers learn about themselves and their world during interactions with others. Brain connections that lead to later success grow out of nurturing, supportive and predictable care. This type of caregiving fosters child curiosity, creativity and self-confidence. Young children need safety, love, conversation and a stimulating environment to develop and keep important synapses in the brain. During the first 3 years of life, children experience the world in a more complete way than children of any other age. The brain takes in the external world through its system of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. This means that infant social, emotional, cognitive, physical and language development are stimulated during multisensory experiences. Infants and toddlers need the opportunity to participate in a world filled with stimulating sights, sounds and people. Before children are able to talk, emotional expressions are the language of relationships. Research shows that infants’ positive and negative emotions, and caregivers’ sensitive responsiveness to them, can help early brain development. For example, shared positive emotion between a caregiver and an infant, such as laughter and smiling, engages brain activity in good ways and promotes feelings of security. Also, when interactions are accompanied by lots of emotion, they are more readily remembered and recalled. The primary giver, when providing consistent and predictable nurturing to the infant creates what is known as a â€Å"secure†attachment. This is accomplished in that rhythmic dance between infant and caregiver; the loving cuddles, hugs, smiles and noises that pass between caregiver and infant. Should this dance be out of step, unpredictable, highly inconsistent or chaotic an â€Å"insecure†attachment is formed. When attachments are secure the infant learns that it is lovable and loved, that adults will provide nurture and care and that the world is a safe place. When attachment is insecure the infant learns the opposite. As the child grows from a base of secure attachment he or she becomes ready to love and be a friend. A secure attachment creates the capacity to form and maintain healthy emotional bonds with another. Attachment is the template through which we view the world and people in it. The brain grows from the bottom to the top. Each of the core strengths is related to a stage and site of brain growth. In infancy attachment bonds are acquired and lay down emotional signals deep within the brain. At the same time the brain stem is seeing to it that bodily functions can be self-regulated. Later on in childhood the emotional centers of the brain come under increasing control so temper tantrums disappear and the child controls their emotional life. In mid-childhood the child’s brain begins to develop the capacity to think and reflect on the external environment. It is at this stage when the frontal areas of the brain begin to mature and it is at this stage in brain growth when the core strengths of affiliation, attunement, tolerance and respect can mature as well. Reading aloud with children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they will eventually require for learning to read. Babies show excitement by widening their eyes and moving their arms and legs when looking at a book with pictures of babies or other familiar objects. Babies learn from conversations even when they cannot understand what you are saying. When babies hear the same words over and over, the parts of the brain that handle speech and language develop. Talk to them as you are changing their diaper or feeding them. Get down on the floor with them when they are playing. Use this opportunity to talk about the different toys they have. You can talk about the color of the object or make noises, such as a car goes vroom, vroom. In infancy and early childhood, play is the activity through which children learn to recog- nize colors and shapes, tastes and sounds‚ the very building blocks of reality. Play also provides pathways to love and social connection. In early childhood, play helps children develop skills they can’t get in any other way. Babbling, for example, is a self-initiated form of play through which infants create the sounds they need to learn the language of their parents. Likewise, chil- dren teach themselves to crawl, stand, and walk through repetitious practice play. At the preschool level, children engage in dramatic play and learn who is a leader, who is a follower, who is outgoing, who is shy. They also learn to negotiate their own conflicts. Study after study explicitly and unambiguously documents that what happens during the early years is critical to a child’s long-term cognitive and behavioral development, physical growth in childhood, and health in adulthood. Modern brain and child development research supports the need to provide nurturing, educationally stimulating, safe environments and experiences in the early years. A strong and nurturing relationship between children and adults is the most basic ingredient for growing up healthy. Supporting the whole child – physically, socially, and emotionally – provides a baseline for positive experiences from which the child can learn, grow, and thrive. These experiences shape a child’s life and create a strong, foundational web of support that positively contributes to their future.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Image and Customer Satisfaction Essay
Select a restaurant where you have eaten recently. Analyze the atmosphere and physical environment of this service establishment. What image does the environment convey? Were you satisfied with the experience? Did it meet your expectations? Should the owner change anything to make the environment more appealing to customers? I recently ate at Alquimia Bistro Club at Gallery Plaza in Condado. The restaurant is a joint venture between the entrepreneur Tony Hernandez and singer Gilberto Santa Rosa. It is conveniently located on the ground floor of the building and you have the option of entering the restaurant through the main entrance or through the bar if you don’t want to enter the dining room. The dining room consists of an upper and lower level. There is a wine â€Å"cellar†which can be dined in and a room for private activities. Aside from the main dining room there is a small theater with a stage for performances. We sat in the upper level of the main dining room. The restaurant aims to provide a relaxed and comfortable yet sophisticated atmosphere. The lighting is relatively low and the music is soft and inviting. The tables are immaculately set. If all worked, had it not been for previous engagements we would have stayed well into the afternoon. The ambience was one that invited you to relax and get acquainted with friends. If satisfaction was based solely on the atmosphere then Alquimia would have been a hit, but in the end it isn’t. The food did not live up to expectations. You are led to believe that you will be taken on a journey of culinary alchemy but you are not. What you end up with are plates made up of ingredients that do not work well together. The satisfied members of the group were those that opted for the â€Å"criollo†dishes. One of my suggestions for Alquimia would be to tone down on the dishes, maybe just stick with the typical food and elaborate a bit not go off the deep end. Sometimes less is more! As for the environment the owners have the right idea. It is inviting and relaxing, you want to stay and continue to consume throughout the day with good drinks and good conversation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Financial Assessment and Analysis Essay
Introduction Financial Assessment Investment is something that is important in the life of any human being and should therefore be taken very seriously (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). To make an investment means that one is looking for a better future and also to receive returns form that particular investment. It is important when an individual wants to make any form of investment that they consider a lot of factors which will affect the full operation and conducting of the investment (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). It is also important that an individual who wants to make an investment must ensure that they have sufficient information that will help in making the relevant decisions with regard to the investment that they have in mind. Without prior and clear information, making decisions about an investment is difficult and may result in disaster where one may lose all the amount of cash or funds and waste efforts put up in the business investment (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In the case of Pierre, having a clear financial assessment of the investment that he wants to engage in will help him in making the relevant decisions which will ensure that he does not operate the business  at a loss in the long run. This financial assessment will make use of assumptions in the establishment of whether the investment Pierre is interested in is relevant and will be profitable. In making an appropriate investment decision, there are various issues to be considered by Pierre which involves the analysis of the financial situation which the investment will require as well as the returns on investment which will be achieved by the business (Gibson, 2012). The first step that Pierre will need to do is to make a consideration of the financial investment which will be need to make the business fully functional. Financial appraisal of projects or investments is important since it helps in making the relevant decisions on what to invest in or not to invest in. When conducting a financial analysis, there are various methods which can be used in appraising a project which involves finances (Gibson, 2012). The method that would be used in apprai8sing the investment by Pierre is the Discounted Cash flow analysis which will help to establish whether the investment which Pierre is interested in is worth the efforts or it should be abandoned (Larrabee, Voss, & John Wiley & Sons, 2013). Financial appraisal is also important to any individual or organization which wants to make an investment since it helps in establishing the amount of returns to expect. This is done through the analysis of the expenses which the investment will incur and the revenues which the investment will be able to raise within a certain period of time (Larrabee, Voss & John Wiley & Sons, 2013). Factors affecting the success of an investment When wanting to make an investment decision, there are various factors which need to be considered so that the decision to be made can be considered to viable. The various factors which Pierre will need to consider will include issues such as: Availability of finances Any investment that an individual or even an organization wants to get involved in always requires finances. The finances which will be put up in the business must be readily available so that one can be able to know whether they can take up the investment or not (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). There must e enough finances which will cater for every put of the start up of the investment since every operation in the investment or business will require sufficient funds (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In the case of Pierre, he is retired and has an amount of CAD 500,000, whereby he has already paid all the taxes which are involved in the retirement benefits. This is quite a good amount which needs to be invested considering that he is no longer in active employment hence he will need something to generate finances for him, in terms of investment (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). Considering the amount which Pierre has available for investment, it can be considered that he is ready to take up any investment of his choice since he already has available funds which he can put up in business (Cherunilam, 2010). Human capital There is no business investment which can take place if there is no available human capital which will operate the whole investment and make it bring good returns. Human capital is necessary and its availability is important for the success of any investment (Cherunilam, 2010). It is important to ensure that there is readily available human capital which will be able to handle the whole operations of the investment to be undertaken. The cost of human capital should also be considered when wanting to make an investment since human capital that is not affordable will mean that the investment will incur large amounts of costs in terms of the salaries which will be paid out to the employees of the business (Horiguchi, & International Monetary Fund, 1992). In the case of Pierre, he will run the business on his own which is quite good since he will be able to set an affordable amount of cash for the remuneration which he will pay himself. As a sole owner and operator of the business makes it more convenient for him to make the relevant decisions concerning human capital since he does not have to consult anyone on any matter concerning the number of people to have working in the business (Reilly, & Brown, 2012). In addition, Pierre will only have one assistant in the business that will assist in conducting and carrying out the operations of the business. This means that he will not have a lot of expenses with regard to the human capital that he will employ in the business (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In addition, the human capital is readily available and can be considered affordable hence this is an encouraging factor towards the establishment of the business investment which Pierre is interested in (Kruschwitz, 2006). Government regulations and policies In every country, there are always regulations and policies which are laid down concerning the operation of business and investments. These policies range from the taxes which businesses need to pay, the regulation policies which each business needs to follow as a way of conducting the business within that country among many other policies (Kruschwitz, 2006). The government policies and regulations gives the direction which business investments needs to follow and every business must be able to comply with those regulations and policies within the countries where they operate (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In the case of Pierre, government regulations that he needs to consider are the taxes which are charged on the kind of business that he wants to establish, the tariffs involved in the importation, especially of chocolate from Switzerland (Horiguchi, & International Monetary Fund, 1992). It will be important that Pierre ensures that he complies with all the government regulations and polices if he wants the investment that he has in mind to succeed. In some instances, the government regulations may prohibit the prosperity of a business investment due to the stringent rules that the business investment is required to accomplish in the long run and the tax rates also may have a negative effect on the business (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). Availability of market Every business investment needs a market where it can be able to operate in and earn good returns. Without there being a ready market available for the products to be sold by the investor will mean that the business will not be able to progress in any way (Horiguchi, & International Monetary Fund, 1992). To know whether there is an available market which the business can be able to obtain good returns, conducting a market research is necessary. Market research is important because it helps in various ways. One, when an investor conducts a market research, they are able to establish the kind of customers available and their purchasing behaviors. This helps in formulating the operations of the business in such a way that it is able to meet the exact needs of the customers and hence obtain a greater market share (Cherunilam, 2010). Market research is important because it also helps the business investor to establish whether there is sufficient demand for the products that he/she wants to offer to the market. From the case study of Pierre, it can be noted that Pierre has taken the initiative to conduct a market research for the business that he wants to establish (Cherunilam, 2010). This has given him the information regarding the kind of revenue that he will be able to make for a certain period. For example, from the market research results, Pierre knows that he will have a demand of 600kg per month while for the first month he knows that he will have a demand of 100kg per month. This information obtained from market research helps in making a sound investment decision, whereby Pierre can choose whether to continue with the investment idea or simply drop it depending on this information obtained from the market research conducted (Cherunilam, 2010). The market research is also important since it helps in establishing the demand and the supply of the product the investor wants to offer in the market. In addition, market research also helps in establishing the kind of competition the business investment is likely to face. Knowing the kind of competition to be faced helps an investor to formulate a strategic plan that will be applied in overcoming the competition when the business investment is established (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). Returns on investment The main reason that influences business investors to engage in any form of business investment is simply to obtain good returns on the finances that they have invested. An investment that is not capable of bring any form of good returns to the business investor cannot be considered to be viable in the long run and hence should not be considered (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). The main objective that business investors have is to make profits and also to expand their businesses. The returns which an investor is able to obtain from his/her investment must be able to provide the investor with profits and also leave him/her with funds that can be used in the expansion of the business (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). In carrying out this investment of importing chocolate from Switzerland and selling in North America, Pierre needs to know what amount of returns will he be able to obtain after all the deductions from the business have been made (Shim, & Siegel, 2007). If the business will not be able to bring god returns, then there will be no need of Pierre getting involved in this kind of investment since he will just be wasting his resources. This can only be determined through the financial analysis of the whole investment that Pierre wants to undertake, which will enable him to make well informed decisions concerning the investment (Gibson, 2012). Costs of investment Business investments always involve a lot of costs which an investor must be able to cater for so that the business can be fully operational. Considering the costs to be incurred when undertaking any business investment is of great importance and any investor must be able to do so (Gibson, 2012). Determining and considering the costs will enable the investor to know whether the finances that the investor has are sufficient to cater for all the costs which the business investment will incur (Downes, & Goodman, 2003). When the cost of investment is too high, the investor will not be able to realize higher returns hence the investment cannot be considered to be viable to be undertaken. A viable investment must have low cost of operation involved so that the business investor can be able to remain with some finances which can be considered as profits (Gibson, 2012). Therefore, in making this investment decision, Pierre must be able to determine and consider the costs involved in the whole business through a financial analysis so as to ascertain whether the investment is viable or worth the risk or it is something that should be abandoned. The above analyzed factors are important to be considered by any business investor who wants to put up their money or finances and efforts into a certain business investment. Pierre needs to make a consideration of all the above mentioned and discussed factors if at all he wants to establish a well operating business investment (Gibson, 2012). As mentioned above, most of those factors can only be determined using real time data and information generated through a financial analysis and assessment of the kind of investment that Pierre wants to undertake. By conducting the financial analysis, it will be possible to identify the returns that the investment is likely to attract, the costs which the investor, Mr. Pierre is likely to incur in the process of opening and operating the business (Manufacturing and investment around the world: An international survey of factors affecting growth and performance, 2002). Valuation The financial analysis that will be conducted in the case of Pierre will involve the formulation of a monthly cash flow for the whole business investment, and the formulation of an annual cash flow for the whole year. The best method of conducting this financial analysis is through the method of discounted cash flow (Kruschwitz, 2006). Discounted cash flow method is simply used to make a valuation and an estimation of the attractiveness of a certain investment opportunity that is available. This method of discounted cash flow (DCF) always makes use of the future free cash flow which has been projected and is discounted at a certain rate but mostly the weighted average cost of capital is used in this method (Damodaran, 2012). This is done so as to obtain the present value which is in turn is used in the evaluation of a particular investment to find out if it is viable. After the calculation of the discounted cash flow, if the value obtained through this method is found to be higher than that of the current value or cost of investment, then the investment opportunity can be said to be a viable one (Schön, 2007). Monthly Cash Flow The monthly cash flow that Pierre is expecting or will experience from the first, month of the investment is that, in the first month, he will be able to have a net cash flow of about CAD 29,193 while for the subsequent months starting from the second month, it is assumed that he will have a constant cash flow of about CAD 102,243. This is expected to occur throughout the year until the end of the first year. The cash flow in the first month is expected to be less because from the market research conducted, it was observed that the amount of stock that he will be able to sell will be about 100kg which is the reason why the cash flow for the first month is lower as compared to the subsequent months. In the second month and the ones that follow, the unit sales increase due to the increase in the stock from 100kg for the first month to about 600kg from the second month. It is also assumed from the calculation of the monthly cash flow that the interest rates will be uniform throughout the year and no inflation will affect the interest rates. Furthermore, it is assumed that the demand for the products will be constant from the second month and there will be no any form of decline or an increase in the demand throughout the first year. Yearly Cash flow The yearly cash flow that Pierre will experience when he starts the investment of selling the chocolates in Americas, the first year is expected to have a cash flow of about CAD 1,204,866 in total. This is the same amount which is expected to be the cash flow for the company or the investment that Pierre is expecting to start. This net yearly cash flow from the first year for a period of five years is assumed to be constant just as the case of the monthly cash flow in the second month of operation. The assumptions made in this case are that: The interest rates will remain constant throughout the five years and there will be no inflation that will take place throughout that period of time. The demand for the products will remain the same throughout the five year period with no change in the prices which will be charged for the products. It is also assumed that the costs involved in the running of the business will remain constant throughout the five years with no increase or decrease on the expenses of the business investment which Pierre is expecting to undertake. The other assumptions which have been made in the calculation of both the monthly cash flow of the business investment and the yearly cash flow of the business is that the investment or business with will be undertaken and also Pierre will employ an assistant for the job. It is the assumption of this report and the calculations made that the exchange rate that is to be used to convert the CHF to CAD is taken to be at the rate of 1 CAD is equivalent to about CHF 0.83. This is the rate which has been used to make a conversion of the purchasing price and air transport costs which Pierre is to incur when importing the products from Switzerland. The amount of cash that Pierre could be able to offer to EigerChoc SA as the upfront payment for the exclusive rights of having to sell the products for the period of five years and still leave him no better off or worse if he made the investment decision of engaging EigerChoc in this kind of business would be a total of about CAD 200,000. The reason why he will be able to offer this amount in an easy way is that within a period of half a year, he will be able to obtain good returns which will help bring back his money and make the business fully operational on its own. This amount of about CAD 200,000 will leave Mr. Pierre with an amount of CAD 300,000, assuming that he used his total lump sum amount to start the business. Considering the expenses which he will incur, the amount of CAD 300,000 will leave him more capable of handling all the expenses even if he offers a sum of CAD 200,000 to EigerChoc as an upfront fee. Conclusion Business decision making, especially with regard to making an investment decision sometimes is quite challenging and to some extent a task that requires a lot of information and keenness. It is important that a business investor must be able to obtain all the relevant information that will enable in making the most appropriate decision of investment. Pierre provided sufficient information about the business investment that he wants to get involved in and from the financial analysis on the annual and the monthly cash flow of the business venture, it can be said that the business investment looks attractive for MR. Pierre to undertake. Pierre is in a better position to make this investment because he has all the resources which are needed for the business. The only thing that may inhibit him from undertaking this kind of business is the regulations and government policies which may make it more expensive in terms of the licenses and may be the trade relations between North America and Switzerland. Recommendations The recommendations which Pierre should consider are that: Conduct further research on government policies and regulations regarding the kind of business investment that he wants to undertake He should make use of the lump sum funds that he has instead of borrowing a loon of about CAD 100,000 at an interest rate of 8%. This will increase the expenses of the business hence should not be undertaken at the start of the business. Do not engage at the moment. This should be done when the business is fully established to ensure that the expenses involved are not increased. Offer an amount of about CAD 200,000 to EigerChoc as an upfront payment for the business investment. This will leave him with sufficient amount to operate the business. From the analysis of the factors that affecting or determine whether to undertake a business or not and from the calculations of the cash flow that is expected in the business for the period of five years, it would be more advisable for Pierre to undertake the business considering that he already has the knowledge about the market and the kind of demand that his products will command. In addition, through the help of his wife, the business is expected to perform well in the long run and hence it is a viable investment to undertake. References Cherunilam, F. (2010). International business: Text and cases. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private            Limited. Damodaran, A. (2012). Investment valuation: Tools and techniques for determining the value of any asset. (Investment valuation.) Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Gibson, Charles H. (2012). Financial Reporting and Analysis + Thomsonone Printed Access     Card. South-Western Pub. Horiguchi, Y., & International Monetary Fund. (1992). The United States economy: Performance        and issues. Washington, D.C., U.S.A: International Monetary Fund Kruschwitz, L. (2006). Discounted Cash Flow: A Theory of the Valuation of Firms. Chichester:            John Wiley & Sons. Larrabee, D. T., Voss, J. A., & John Wiley & Sons. (2013). Valuation techniques: Discounted   cash flow, earning quality, measures of value added, and real options. Hoboken: John         Wiley & Sons. Manufacturing and investment around the world: An international survey of factors affecting      growth and performance. (2002). Manchester: Industrial Systems Research. Reilly, F. K., & Brown, K. C. (2012). Investment analysis and portfolio management. Mason,   Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Schön, D. (2007). The relevance of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Economic Value Added (EVA) for the valuation of banks. München: GRIN Verlag. Shim, J. K., & Siegel, J. G. (2007). Handbook of financial analysis, forecasting, and modeling.  Chicago, IL: Wolters Kluwer/CCH.  Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Foodborne Outbreaks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Foodborne Outbreaks - Essay Example Just about any food can become a threat if it has spoiled, however, the foods most commonly associated with leading to foodborne illness include fresh foods and dairy products, like eggs, fish, poultry, and condiments, like mayonnaise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that while there are many measures taken to prevent the possibility of causing an foodborne outbreaks, it is not always easy because the contamination can occur at any point in the food production chain, the fault could lie in the production, the processing, preparation, and distribution; which makes identifying the sources, scope, and efficient treatment incredibly difficult and important (2014). Foodborne outbreaks may seem uncommon, but are common enough to pose a serious health risk that costs the United States $77 billion per year to address the ,almost 130,000 of hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths caused yearly by foodborne illnesses (Nuzzo & et al, 2013). Determining the range and scope of an outbreak involves a number of factors, including, where and how the contamination occurred, how much was contaminated, where was it sent, and how many people have been in contact with or consumed it. However, the most essential step and greatest challenge is identifying which of the millions of possible culprits is responsible for the outbreak. The majority of foodborne illness outbreaks is an important issue for a number of governmental agencies that work to make certain that the food that is provided, sold, and consumed by the public is safe (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Most outbreaks can be controlled by the local and state health agencies, however, larger outbreaks will include multiple agencies working together . (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). The three federal agencies most closely involved in the occurrences of foodborne outbreaks are the CDC. FDA, and the USDA. The first, again, is the Centers for Disease
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Issues related to the establishment of the center brand Bank for Essay
Issues related to the establishment of the center brand Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Vietnam - Essay Example Creation of brand value and brand recognition has become equally important in the banking sector, even for established banks like the Bank for Foreign Trade in Vietnam. The Bank for Foreign Trade in Vietnam is an old bank which was established in 1963 by the Foreign Exchange Bureau of the State Bank of Vietnam. The Bank has been playing an important corporate role in the development and stability of the economy in Vietnam. Also, the bank has made several contributions in the local as well as global regional and financial communities during its years of operation as a leading bank for foreign trade. The bank provides a number of services including a wide array of financial services in both traditional as well as international services like credit, capital mobilization, capital trading, and project finance. Also, the bank offers other modern banking services like e-banking, international credit and debit card services, derivatives trading and Foreign exchange trading services. The bank has established itself as a leader bank in the banking sector in Vietnam and is an influential authority in the regional financial communities. Brand centre of an organization is a department of the organization which includes the branding activities and branding materials like production kits, templates, logos, photographs etc. Also, proper guidelines for the creation of value with respect to the brand are included in the brand centre. The Bank for Foreign Trade in Vietnam is a large organization with a vast network including more than 357 transaction offices and branches. The bank thus has a huge number of customers and constructs huge volumes of transactions every day. The Bank has always focused on efficiency in their operations, providing value to the customers and improves the quality of management and corporate governance practices (Jenkins, 2004, pp.13-28). Though the Bank for Foreign Trade in Vietnam is the largest bank in the
Professional Development IP 5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Professional Development IP 5 - Research Paper Example From the three strengths, you would also choose one of the strengths that you elaborate more about from your previous workplace, and it should be related to the current position that you are seeking. While answering such a question you should demonstrate a high level; of confidence so as to convince the panel that you are the most-suitable candidate and that you deserve that job (Stein, 2003). Another question that you should be prepared to answer is why you would wish to leave your current workplace? The response to this question should be very brief. The respondent should not create a poor picture of the previous employment and show that the move was a personal decision. Honesty plays an important role since your new employer can contact your previous place of work. In some cases, the respondent can also be asked of the salary he/she is important that the respondent has information about the market value of the target position. The respondent can quote the salary received in the previous place of work and give a figure within the same range if selected. If not stated in the advertisement, you can quote a salary that is up to 20% higher. In some cases, the question of competencies may arise. Due to the constantly changing market the key factors that should be evident in the answer should include flexibility that will allow shifting from one the specified duties to another or from one team to another. Adaptability is key here where you should be able fit to a new environment and work in many departments within the company. The interviewee should also demonstrate high problem-solving skills so as to be able to solve emerging challenges in the course of duty. The ability and willingness to learn should also be brought out as employees will be required to attend workshops and seminars frequently. Some interviewers may ask about your previous accomplishments. In such a question, you would give the most-challenging circumstances that you encountered in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The political system in Saudi Arabia Term Paper
The political system in Saudi Arabia - Term Paper Example However, in Middle East and Saudi Arabia Islamic rules are prevailing. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by Abdul Aziz bin Saud. Since then Saudi Arabia was ruled by somebody from Abdul Aziz bin Saud’s family. Ibn Saud’s son, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has been the ruler since 2005, though he had been regent from 1996, due to the illness of his brother King Fahad. The King’s heir apparent is Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who also holds the title of Deputy Prime Minister, and who is a half-brother of the King (The Political System of Saudi Arabia) In political terms one can say that absolute monarchy is prevailing in Saudi Arabia. Absolute monarchy is exists when the ruler has power beyond the constitution and laws of the country. In Saudi Arabia, the King holds supreme power beyond the limits of constitution and law. Political observers are surprised to see the developments in Saudi Arabia even without a democratic or communist government. Many people have the illusion that only democracy or communism like stable political ideologies can bring developments in a country. But the case of Saudi Arabia is entirely different. Even without these political institutions, Saudi taught the external world that a country can develop properly with the help of visionary leadership. This paper compares the political systems in Saudi Arabia with that in other parts of the world. ... In other words, the responsibilities of the Saudi king are extremely large compared to the responsibilities of other gulf political leaders. However, the King appoints a Crown Prince to help him in administrative matters. â€Å"The Crown Prince is second in line to the throne†(About Saudi Arabia). In Iran, President holds the power of the president as well as prime minister. However, a cabinet is there both in Iran to assist the president in administrative matters. In India, all the administrative matters are done by the president and his colleagues. Elections are conducted in Iran once in every four years to elect the president. But in Saudi Arabia, no parliament elections are conducted even though ministries and cabinet are functioning in Saudi also. Saudi ministry and cabinet are nominated by the King. Other gulf countries such as UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman etc also have similar political systems as that in Saudi Arabia. In all these countries absolute monarchy is p revailing and the King holds the supreme power in all administrative matters. â€Å"Saudi legislative council is made up of a Consultative Council (also known as Majlis as-Shura or Shura Council) with 150 members and a chairman appointed by the king for a four-year term†(The Political System of Saudi Arabia). It should be noted that in democratic countries, the legislative council is formulated based on elections. For example, in India, legislative council or parliament members are elected by the people in general elections. It should be noted that Islamic rules are prevailing in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, Saudi Arabia is the most sacred country for Muslims all over the world. Mecca and Medina are the most important
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Arguing about the risk of investment in a certain kind of stock Essay
Arguing about the risk of investment in a certain kind of stock - Essay Example Since stocks are considered as most volatile and risky investments, therefore, to make an investment into any stock requires considerable analysis and exploration of different factors which may have a direct or indirect impact on the stock prices. Since 2007, overall activity in the stock markets has been depressed due to different factors and currently the markets are suffering due to sovereign debt crisis in EU zone. (Elliott). Despite such economic uncertainty and decline in economic activity, there are sectors which are booming and can provide one of the most lucrative investment avenues to the investors. Stocks like Facebook, semi-conductor industry stocks, as well as 3M are some of the stocks which can provide real benefits to the investors at every level. It is also, however, important to note that the personal risk and return preferences are always individual and remain as an individual decision. This paper will discuss the risks involved in the stocks such as Facebook, NXP a nd 3M, as well as will explore as to how the risks may emerge and how investors can actually invest into such stocks. Stocks Investment Before discussing the different stocks, it is important to provide a general introduction to the stock investment and how they can be approached from the investment point of view. Historically, the returns on the stocks, as well as bonds remained volatile; however, stocks have returned more over the period of time. It is also critical to note that the bonds are considered as safer investments because they hold the preference over the stocks and the bondholders are paid fixed interest income over the period of bond maturity. It becomes the obligation of the bond issuers to pay regular interest over the period of the bond and return the principal at the end. However, this is not the case with the stocks and the shareholders are not paid any principal at the end neither they are guaranteed that they will be paid regular dividends. These characteristics of the stocks, therefore, make them risky and investors can only invest into them if they believe and understand the overall risks involved. It is critical to note that stockholders, however, are given the ownership into the firms and they can also participate into the overall decision making for the firm (Siegel). The value, return and risks on the stocks, therefore, are relatively unique and different and need expertise and certain degree of business acumen to decide as to whether to invest or not. Facebook Shares World is experiencing a new internet boom and internet websites are becoming one of the hottest investment avenues for the investors. Different types of websites and services such as Facebook, Google, Zynga have been able to attract huge attention of the investors due to the sheer potential of growth involved in them. Recently Zynga, one of the leading makers of social games, launched its IPO and was successfully oversubscribed by the investors in the global markets (Ra ice and Randall). Such receptivity towards these types of stocks, therefore, suggests that the investors are ready to understand the risks involved into dot com companies and are also willing to assume them. Facebook Inc. is the leading social networking site with millions of active users who use Facebook every day. What is important to note, that the overall user base of the site is global and as such it has global
Monday, September 23, 2019
IN REPORT FORMAT,EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN ORGANIZATION OF YOUR CHOICE WHICH CAMPAIGNS OR ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN,YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES - Essay Example (BBC News, 2007) Butler (2007) reported that NSPCC was able to raise as much as  £250 million through public campaigns since 1999 aside from the fact that the independent charity organization received a total of  £30 million from the government fund during the past four years. Despite the large sum of money gathered to combat child abuse throughout the United Kingdom, the number of children below the age of 15 years old who die from physical abuse and negligence throughout the United Kingdom has increased from 0.4 to 0.9 deaths per 100,000 children (Guardian, 2003; Unicef, 2003). As part of discussing NSPCC’s campaign and advocates for children, young people, and families, the work and involvement of NSPCC in terms of dealing with young people through ‘child line’ and families will be tackled followed by going through its impact over the life of millions of children, young children, and families. Eventually, the effectiveness of NSPCC’s campaigns and advocates for children, young people, and families will be assessed using a brief one-on-one interview with randomly selected children below the age of 18 combined with the public news and reports of NSPCC’s performance. Launched back in 1986 (NSPCC, 2008k), the main purpose of NSPCC campaigners for children is to give courage to children who have been a victim of domestic abuse to speak up against the person who abuses the child physically, verbally and/or emotionally. With the use of ChildLine and NSPCC HelpLine including its online and text message services (NSPCC, 2008b & 2008d), NSPCC advocates can extend their support to children who need advices on issues related to bullying, sexual, emotional or physical abuse, self-harm, and family-related problems among others (NSPCC, 2008g). Eventually, NSPCC will help the callers to find ways to solve their problems. Given the large number of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Old Man and the Sea Essay Example for Free
The Old Man and the Sea Essay â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea:†A Tale of Betrayed Brotherhood In Ernest Hemingway’s novella â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,†an old fisherman named Santiago faces the challenge of catching the largest fish of his life, an act he hopes will bring immortal greatness to his name. The accomplishment of this goal, however, hinges on the act of killing a creature Santiago often deems his equal, as exemplified by his recurring reference to the fish as a brother. The old man’s longing for greatness negates any moral considerations he may have, though, until he realizes his own mortality, extends that into a feeling of equality with the fish, and the fish’s body is destroyed by sharks. Then he understands what he has done: stripped the noble fish, his equal, of its pride. From that point on, he regrets his actions of betraying his brother. Therefore, throughout a majority of â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,†Santiago’s desire to achieve immortal greatness overshadows the immorality of his actions, but when the sharks destroy the physical embodiment of this achievement, the fish, he realizes that the end does not justify the means; immortal greatness is not obtained. Santiago, who is nearing the end of his life, has a preoccupation bordering on obsession with greatness. He continually speaks and thinks of Joe DiMaggio, the embodiment of greatness in the form of a baseball player, and his roots as a poor fisherman’s son strengthen the attachment. He dreams of lions, the kings of the jungle, enjoying their domain on a beach. Greatness is clearly on Santiago’s mind. In addition, he longs for the type of greatness that transcends human life; he dreams of achieving immortality through the remembrance of his name in association with something great after his death. After battling the fish for many days, Santiago thinks, â€Å"I am not good for many more turns. Yes you are, he told himself. You’re good for ever†(Hemingway 70). His inner speech, particularly the last sentence, demonstrates his lofty, idealistic mindset. He views his existence as eternal; thus, the type of greatness for which he yearns inferably fits this view and is therefore eternal as well. For Santiago, immortal greatness can only be achieved through fishing: â€Å"You were born to be a fisherman and the fish was born to be a fish. San Pedro was a fisherman as was the father of the great DiMaggio†(Hemingway 81). By extension, Santiago labels the rest of the subjects of the sentence as great due to the reference to DiMaggio, and because he specifically refers to his role in life (a fisherman) in this context, he believes it to be his means toward achieving this greatness. What better chance does he have than to bring in the greatest fish of his life, alone and in old age? Therefore, the fish he catches in the story is his chance at immortal greatness. Early in the story, before Santiago has even seen the fish, he thinks, â€Å"If he will jump I can kill him. But he stays down for ever. Then I will stay down with him for ever†(44). This thought also illuminates the connection he feels between the fish and his glory: If he does not catch the fish and bring it home, hope for his immortal existence dies because this greatness depends entirely on the fish, this fish. Throughout most of the novella, Santiago views the fish as beneath him, as something he is entitled to subdue. For example, he takes possession of the fish, the fish he thus believes he is destined to catch, by referring to it as his before anything even nibbles on his line (Hemingway 24). Also, during Santiago’s battle with the fish, he thinks, â€Å"But, thank God, they are not as intelligent as we who kill them; although they are more noble and more able†(Hemingway 47). In the first half of this passage, he clearly places himself mentally above the fish; however, the second half introduces the respect Santiago holds for the fish, which brings into question his asserted feelings of superiority. In addition, he often refers to the fish as his brother, introducing a sense of kinship he feels with the creature (Hemingway 44, 47, 57, 71, 73). Yet the air of supremacy remains, despite these outward expressions of equality, because the old man’s desire for greatness is so blindingly dominant. Santiago speaks aloud: â€Å"‘I’ll kill him though,’ he said. ‘In all his greatness and his glory. ’ Although it is unjust, he thought. But I will show him what a man can do and what a man endures†(Hemingway 49). In this quotation, Santiago recognizes the greatness of the fish and even contemplates the moral implications of his quest to kill it, but his conclusion that he needs to finish what he set out to do to prove man’s dominance over the creatures of the sea, specifically his dominance to satisfy his hunger for greatness, overshadows his brief moral questioning. Also, Santiago’s references to the fish as a brother initially do not always signify kinship and equality. Once, he makes the claim that his two hands and the fish are brothers; the fish is only related to two small parts of his body (Hemingway 47). Albeit the hands are important parts to the fisherman, he still equates the fish to a portion of his body, not the whole self, which implies there is more to than man than to the fish. A little later, he calls the stars his brothers and expresses gratitude for not having to kill such great, distant beings (Hemingway 58). This minimizes both the fish’s greatness and supposed brotherhood because Santiago clearly longs to be one amongst the stars (immortal greatness), despite, or perhaps because of, their admittedly ungraspable nature, in addition to battling a mere mortal fish. For these reasons, throughout much of the novella Santiago puts the fish’s greatness below the quest for his own, despite selected words to the contrary. When Santiago comes to terms with his own mortality, however, he truly recognizes his equality with the also mortal fish. After days of battling the fish, his inescapable mortality rises to his mind for the first time: â€Å"‘Fish,’ the old man said. ‘Fish, you are going to have to die anyway. Do you have to kill me too’†(Hemingway 70)? Here, Santiago realizes that more than the ability to obtain greatness lies in the hands of this fish; his physical existence also hinges on the fish’s actions. This thought humbles the old man, and minutes later he thinks, â€Å"You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a great, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who†(Hemingway 71). For the first time the word â€Å"brother†carries the weight it implies because Santiago sees both himself and the fish as mortal beings in a struggle for life. No longer does he assume superior rank over the fish; instead, he recognizes the nobility of both beings as equal in his expression of unconcern for which dies. Shortly after this realization, Santiago succeeds in landing the fish; however, only an hour later, sharks begin to attack the dead fish tied to the side of his boat, ripping flesh from bone, stripping it of its physical mortal greatness. At this point, the question of the morality of killing the fish once again surfaces: â€Å"You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food. You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive, and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more†(Hemingway 81)? Because Santiago had previously established a kinship with the fish, he questions his pride-motivated actions, whether or not his obtaining of immortal greatness justifies killing a noble brother. It soon becomes clear that these means are not justified. Santiago begins to apologize to the fish numerous times, first for the sharks that mangle its body, then for killing it in the first place (Hemingway 85). Eventually, Santiago says, â€Å"‘I shouldn’t have gone out so far, fish,’ he said. ‘Neither for you nor for me. I’m sorry, fish’†(Hemingway 85). In this quotation, Santiago laments his quest for greatness (â€Å"I shouldn’t have gone out so far†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) and asserts that it destroyed both him and the fish. Therefore, despite the completion of his goal to catch a great fish, Santiago fails in his quest for immortal greatness because he realizes that killing a creature equal in greatness and nobility to himself, a creature he calls his brother, is ignoble. He even acknowledges this failure after he returns to shore, when he recognizes that nothing outside himself actually beat him in his quest: â€Å"And what beat you, he thought. ‘Nothing,’ he said aloud. ‘I went out too far’†(Hemingway 93). Only his desire for immortal greatness defeated him and barred him from achieving it, that is, if it was ever possible for him to achieve it at all. Therefore, in Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,†Santiago fails in his quest to acquire immortal greatness. He begins by thinking of the fish as his to take, the means by which he can obtain greatness, but after realizing his own mortality he understands the fish’s equality to himself and regrets taking its life, which led to the stripping of its flesh, its physical greatness. Thus, the nobility of both the old man and the fish are ruined, and he certainly fails to seal his name as an eternal presence of greatness. Perhaps his quest was doomed from the beginning; immortal greatness was never possible for the old man.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The History And Debate Of Euthanasia Philosophy Essay
The History And Debate Of Euthanasia Philosophy Essay Euthanasia has been a controversial issue for a very long time. The ancient Romans and Greeks supported euthanasia after the interpretation of the Hippocratic Oath that was written around 400 B.C. They believed that the persons life should not be preserved if this person has no interest in life. Hence, voluntary euthanasia was not banned in the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. However, committing Suicide as well as helping others to commit suicide was considered as a criminal act by the English jurisdiction during the 1300s. Euthanasia faced the first direct law against it in New York at the 1828 which was known as the Anti-Euthanasia law. Euthanasia like Abortion had become a major issue for debating in the following decades until the recent days .(Sandhyarani, 2001). Nowadays, all dictionaries and references define euthanasia as mercy killing of patients in severe incurable pain. Oxford dictionary for example, has defined euthanasia as: the painless killing of a patient suffe ring from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The way these definitions were defined came from the origin of the word Euthanasia, where Euthanasia is a Greek word came from the 17th century to combine two words, Eu which means well and easy and Thanatos meaning death.(Oxford dictionary, 2010). Euthanasia nowadays can be categorized into many different forms and types, the first and most common one is the active voluntary euthanasia where the patient is mercifully killed with his own will and request, its also known as the assisted suicide. Other different form is known as the involuntary passive euthanasia that let the patients die without their own request, this kind is known for patients who are in comas or unable to talk or communicate with others.(BBC, 2009). With the current debates and developments in the world, euthanasia is being discussed globally, legalized in some countries and still discussed in others. Netherland was the first country in the world to legalize Euthanasia in 2002, followed by Belgium at the end of 2002 and some parts in the United States of America. Switzerland on the other hand allows the physician assisted suicide in special cases but the euthanasia is still not legal in this country. What must be known about the laws of these countries is that they are strictly standardized for euthanasia as euthanasia is being applied only to specific kinds of patients. Euthanasia is indeed one of the most controversial issues to date. Taking both sides, supporting and opposing euthanasia in the society, doctors and governments into considerations, the main question now centers on whether Euthanasia is the right act to consider on the cases with no cure and whether euthanasia should be legalized. The process of painlessly helping a terminally ill person to die should be legalized as its a merciful act that offers dignity and compassion at lifes cruel end. People who are euthanized are going to die anyway. However, by legalizing euthanasia, they can be saved from suffering terrible pain.(Friedman, 2010) Therefore, governments should not stand in the way of letting severely ill people with no chances in getting cured to end their lives legally by Euthanasia. The following research project will hereby focus on the reasons why euthanasia should be legalized, what we can prevent and gain by legalizing euthanasia, effects of euthanasia and its future. The time frame used in this research project is from 2000 till date, the research is showing the latest ideas and arguments presented in the world where euthanasia is still developing and arguments involved in this issue are leaning more towards legalizing euthanasia day after day. 2.0 Body of Content 2.1 Euthanasia is a Freedom of Choice: Just as I shall select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage, or my house when I propose to take a residence, so I shall choose my death when I am about to depart from life. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Roman Stoic Philosopher, orator and statesman) Every person was born free and has the right to die free with his own will. Moreover, dignified death is one of the fundamental rights people are supposed to have as being part and parcel of the fundamental rights to life. According to the Daily Telegraph (2008), Chantal Sebire was a French woman diagnosed with a rare type of cancer (a malignant neoplasm of the nasal vault) in 2002, her tumor developed and reached a point where it cannot be stopped or cured, it made sever deformities in Sebires face taking away the senses of smelling, tasting and eventually sight from her. Moreover, Sebire was suffering from horrible pain; she said a normal human would not allow an animal to go through. She appealed to the French court asking for a permission to have an assisted suicide as she could not bear the pain anymore. However, her appeal was rejected as euthanasia is not legal in France. Two days later Chantal Sebire was found dead as she committed suicide in her house after her appeal was re jected. It can be seen from that case that this way of crossing into death was unfair as it was more scary and painful experience than a regulated euthanasia. In Sebires case as well as other similar cases where cure is not found for patients, patients are going through horrible pain and they are going to die anyway, governments should not stand in the way of those severely ill people with no cure or treatment to end their lives legally by assisted suicide. Therefore, the life of those patients is their choice and they have the right to continue living or die peacefully. The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of relief from pain and suffering. (Cockeram, 2007). By having the superior power in keeping the lives of patients with no chance in getting well or having cure is not giving them relief or even happiness, it is like holding their lives, watching them suffer at the last moments of their lives and locking them in a life they are not having since they have lost their senses, feelings or even conscious. Opponents of euthanasia argue that euthanasia is a cruel act and a human enforcement to end other people lives without their permission. Lozano mentioned that the Vatican believes that ending lives of severely ill people even the premature babies who are gravely ill by euthanasia is an illicit act as well as act of cruelty. (CNA, 2006). Therefore, opponents believe that euthanasia would violate the Gods gift of life and enforce in ending lives of people who are not able to communicate with others. However, according to the article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 5 adds No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. If no one shall be subjected to torture, then why do we have to watch them suffer? (Euthanasia UK, 2007). Most of the people who choose euthanasia are those patients who suffer from diseases that cause a lot of pain and cannot be treated. If those patients choose not to bear the pain, they should have the right to do so. (Bose, 2011). It is the right of those patients with no cure to choose their own life and death. Other kind of brain dead patients who are in irreversible coma and cannot communicate have no chances in getting back to life or even getting well as in most cases their brains are damaged, it is in their favor as well as other patients favors with chances in getting cured to be euthanized, providing them with the mercy killing doesnt mean it is a cruel act against their will but it is ending their suffer, releasing their locked souls in no life and lowering the expenses their parents or relatives have to pay for hospitals only for keeping them alive but unconscious through machines. Euthanizing such patients can be by shortening the amount of oxygen or food given to them through machines and tubes. Therefore, euthanasia should not be considered as a cruel act but an act of mercy that gives patients and even their parents the right to choose life or death at the time of suffer and inevitable death.
Friday, September 20, 2019
English Copyright Law
English Copyright Law English copyright law does not protect ‘ideas but the ways in which these ideas are expressed. This was established in Harman Pictures NV v Osborne (1967) and recently affirmed in the case involving the Da Vinci Code novel, Baigent and Leigh v The Random House Group (2006).Where the work has been literally reproduced there can be no question of copying. However, difficulty arises where use is made of subtle aspects of style, commonly referred to as ‘non textual copying. The impact that copyright law has had on the computer industry and internet use has also led to much discussion about the effectiveness of the law in this dynamic and ever changing area. The courts, who see the matter as being one of degree, continue to adopt a narrow perspective on what constitutes infringement of copyright. The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 aims to protect work in the following categories: literary, musical, dramatic, typographical arrangement and artistic. The Copyright Computer Program Regulations 1992 included computer programs within the list of literary works along with books and song lyrics. The protection afforded by the Act includes prohibition against any work in the above categories being copied, adapted or distorted without the consent of the copyright owner. Based on s16 of the CDPA 1998 the court has formulated the following test to establish whether there has been an infringement of copyright. Firstly, the work for which copyright protection is being claimed must be clearly identified and established as original. Secondly there must be evidence that this original work has been copied. Thirdly, if the work has been copied, then the courts must decide whether a substantial part of the work has been reproduced. This test was outlined by Jacob J In Ibcos Computers Ltd v Barclays Mercantile Highland Finance Ltd (1994). The defendant created a computer accounting package and licensed it to the claimant. Together, they later marketed the package as (ADS) under the company name PK Ltd where the defendant was the sole employee and Managing Director. The defendant then left the company and joined a competitor as a consultant. There he wrote a programme called ‘Unicorn designed to compete with (ADS). Later the Claimants claimed the Unicorn was developed from (ADS) and therefore infringed their copyright. The court held that (ADS) was a compilation and that copyright existed in the individual programs, their various modifications as well as the whole suite. On comparing Unicorn and (ADS) there appeared to be overwhelming evidence of copying. The latter was an enhancement of the former and not an independent creation. In the absence of independent evidence similarities were due to copying as opposed to the defendants individual programming style. The striking similarities in the interaction of individual components in both packages caused the court to conclude that the ‘substantial part arm of the copyright infringement test had been satisfied. The copyright in the whole (ADS) package as well as the individual copyrights had been infringed. In arriving at his decision, Jacob J provided some guidance on general and detailed ideas rejecting the analysis in the earlier case of John Richardson Computers v Flanders (1993) where the American model for assessing infringement was adopted. He held that this was an incorrect approach which would lead to unnecessary complications. ‘For myself I do not find the route of going via United States case law particularly helpful. It is likely to lead to [the] over citation of United States authority based on a statute different from ours. In the end the matter must be left to the value judgment of the court He dissented from the view held by Judge Baker in Total Information Processing Systems Ltd v Daman Ltd (1992) and was of the opinion that the table of contents of a novel could be compared to the data division component of a computer programme. They could both be integral to the success of the work and sufficient to constitute a detailed idea. They could also constitute a substantial part of the work depending on the skill labour and judgement involved their compilation. In deciding whether a substantial part of a work has been copied one must look at the words of a novel and source code of a computer program as well as other factors such as, the plot of a novel and general structure of a computer programme. He held, ‘I therefore think it right to have regard in this case not only toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦literal similarities but also to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ program structure and design features Later on in his judgment he questioned whether copyright subsisted in the ‘design features of the programme as highlighted by the plaintiff. In any event he was of the opinion that even if they could be afforded copyright protection the ideas were not detailed enough to form a substantial part of the work. ‘We are here at a level of generality where there is little of the programmers skill, labour and judgment. Even if the set were copyright, the mere taking of those functions would not be an infringement-it would be the taking of a mere general idea or scheme In relation to the contention that if there is only one way of expressing an idea that way cannot be subject to copyright, Jacob J held that this was an error and copyright could still exist. Again dissenting from the opinion of Judge Baker in Total he submitted that Kenrick v Lawrence (1890) was not authority for this proposition. In the Kenrick case the issue was whether copyright existed in the picture of a hand showing voters how to vote. He held that this was an idea and the decision in this case is authority only for the proposition that there is no copyright in an idea as a different picture displaying the same idea would not constitute infringement. Speaking directly about general and detailed ideas, Jacob J asserted that in relation to all work, ‘The true position is that where an idea is sufficiently general, then even if an original work embodies it, the mere taking of that idea will not infringe. But if the idea is detailed, then there may be infringement. It is a question of degree It is therefore important to assess how the courts have set out to separate the expression of the idea in detail from the general idea itself. It seems that in the former, attention is given to finer details of the work. In the final analysis, a balancing act must be performed to protect the author of the idea and encourage literary and technological innovation. Over the past decade there have been many cases involving the protection of computer source and object codes much like an author would seek to protect the words of a book. In John Richardson Computers v Flanders the courts extended the concept of an idea to include user interfaces stating that the way a program is used and responds to a user should also be copyrighted. Here the plaintiffs claimed that the defendants had copied the ‘look and feel of their computer software developed for the pharmaceutical industry. However as computer use became more widespread courts had to reconsider copyrighting ‘look and feel or ‘business logic of programs. This was highlighted in the case of Navitaire Inc v Easyjet Airline Co Ltd (2004) where Navitaire claimed that Easyjet online ticketless booking system eRes was a copy of their original programme, Openres. Navitaire owned the copyright in the source code for the computer programme and did not allege at any time during the case that this was copied. The allegation centred on the fact that eRes was almost indistinguishable from OpenRes in relation to the ‘user interface or interaction between user and programme. The Plaintiffs alleged non textual copying in relation to the ‘look and feel of running OpenRes, user commands to achieve particular results and screen reports in response to user instructions. Copying was alleged of the whole of OpenRes or the various modules that make up the system. What was further considered in this case was whether there could be an infringement where two computer programs produce the same results but the author of the latter had no information of the former apart from the end function. In this scenario the question arises as to whether the general idea alone has been copied or something more detailed. No infringement was found in Navitaire and it was held that to side with the plaintiffs in this case would be â€Å"an unjustifiable extension of copyright protection†. Simon Stokes in The development of UK software copyright law notes, ‘In light of Navitaire, the chances of a successful software copyright look and feel case appear limited unless there is a clear misappropriation of a copyright workà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ or underlying source code. In Nova Productions Ltd v Mazooma Games Ltd (2006) the restrictive approach in Navitaire was reaffirmed. Here the defendant produced a computer programme based on the game of pool that was similar to that of the plaintiff although he had no access to the original source codes. Again the plaintiff here alleged that although the computer programme language or sources were not copied, the user interface or ‘look and feel of the programme was. It was held that parts of the computer programme copied were of a â€Å"high level of generality or abstraction†, common in the industry and did not form a substantial part of the program itself. The court agreed with the Navitaire judgement and stated, â€Å"merely making a programme which will emulate another but which in no way involves copying the programme code or any of the programs graphics is legitimate†The present state of the law is that copying the end result of a computer programme in itself does not constitute infringing its copyright. In both Navitaire and Nova, the court included in its judgement the provisions of the Software Directive recitals 13-15. The Directive provides that, the expression of a computer program is protected but ideas and principles which underlie any element of a program or its interfaces are not. Many believe that spells bad news for creators and brand owners. In the European Intellectual Property Review, Peter Nunn states, ‘As the law currently stands, non-textual copying claims in the software field appear doomed: ideas and user interfaces can seemingly be freely copied It would be useful to consider the courts approach in other cases regarding protected work. In the case of Green v Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand [1989] the issue of general and detailed ideas were also discussed in relation to a television broadcast. Here the British presenter Hughie Green sought to sue a New Zealand television station for copyright infringement of the format of his game show, Opportunity Knocks. The English Privy Council however rejected this attempt to claim that the format was a dramatic work, asserting that there was no copyright in an idea and the format as presented was ‘conspicuously lacking in certainty. This has led to difficulties in the television industry in relation to protecting various unscripted game show formats however unique and original they might be. Lord Bridge stated that there was, â€Å"difficulty [in] the concept that a number of allegedly distinctive features of a television series can be isolated from the changing material presented in each separate performance (the acts of the performers in the talent show, the question and answers in the quiz show etc.) and identified as an â€Å"original dramatic work†In the more recent case of Miles v ITV Network (2004) again involving television format rights it does not appear that English copyright law has moved any further forward. The claimant James Miles supplied ITV with promotional material for a cartoon programme where the main characters were a traffic light and traffic furniture. Later, ITV launched a programme called Dream Street where a recovery truck was the main character. Although Mr Miles conceded that the look and feel of the two programmes were very different, there were similarities between the characters and the presence of traffic equipment. However, the creator of Dream Street produced evidence to show that his work had been in existence before Mr Miles sent his material to ITV. The appeal was dismissed on the basis that the only similarity between he two programmes being the use of traffic equipment meant that the claim was ‘hopelessly weak Mr Justice Laddie in IPC Media Ltd v Highbury-SPL Publishing Ltd [2004] drew on the Green case in his ruling on whether IPCs Ideal Home Magazines design, subject matter and presentational style had been copied. Perhaps it is the presentation of its case in this manner that caused the judge to conclude that what they were trying to protect was the general idea behind the magazine as opposed to the expression in the idea evidenced by the detail, in content cover and articles. Justice Laddie quoted from the Green Judgement as follows: ‘The protection which copyright gives, creates a monopoly and there must be certainty in the subject matter of such monopoly in order to avoid injustice to the rest of the world: The issue here is of course as with television programmes magazine formats remain skeletal as to allow a dimension of spontaneity and creativity within the series. It is therefore difficult to pinpoint a detailed format and attach a copyright to it if details change monthly or even weekly. Justice Laddie concluded that the design techniques used by IPC were common in the industry and could have been applied by anyone designing a home magazine. Because the nature of a magazines cover and contents is to keep the buyer interested by constantly changing various features, it was difficult for IPC to state clearly what had been copied. No infringement was held to have taken place and again the English courts refused to extend copyright protection to general ideas. Justice Laddie concluded, â€Å"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦even if, contrary to my findings, Highbury had been â€Å"inspired†in some of its design choices by what it saw in IDEAL HOME, it would have been at far too high a level of generality to amount to infringement of copyright.†The plaintiffs in IPC struggled to prove their case for copyright protection and may have succeeded if they had alleged ‘passing off as their focus seemed to be on a visual comparison of the two magazines. This matter was addressed in Designer Guild Limited v. Russell Williams (Textiles) Limited (Trading As Washington Dc) [2000] and referred to in the IPC judgement as well as other subsequent cases. Here both parties were designers of wallpapers and fabrics. The plaintiffs alleged infringement of one of their designs. The trial judge found that the defendants had access to the original work and had copied a substantial part of it. The defendants appealed to the Court of Appeal who after making a visual comparison held that the two designs were not sufficiently similar and highlighted a number of differences. The Court of Appeal held that although there was some copying this did not form a substantial part of the work and therefore allowed the appeal. The claimants then appealed to the House of Lords who agreed with the initial trial judges decision that the copied features formed a substantial part of the plaintiffs work. Lord Millet commented that the judge who found for the defendants in the Court of Appeal erred in his approach as he treated what was a copyright case as though the claim was one for ‘passing off. If passing off had been alleged, it would have been sufficient for the court to have used visual similarities as a main point of comparison as here the charge would have been the defendants taking the plaintiffs goods and trying to ‘pass them off as their own. Where there is insufficient similarity on a visual inspection the action will fail. In the case of copyright however, the preoccupation is not with the appearance of the defendants work but with its origin. In the area of film, the extent of protection offered by copyright law has also been discussed in Christoffer v Poseidon Film Distributors Ltd [1999]. Here the court had to decide amongst other matters whether Mr Chistoffers copyright in the film script of the story of the Cyclops based on Book IX of Homers Odyssey had been infringed by the film production company Poseidon. On the basis that there was evidence of direct copying and adaptation of the Cyclops script in which Mr Christoffer held the copyright, infringement was found on the part of Poseidon. Justice Parks highlighted that words in the final script do not have to be identical in order for there to be sufficient evidence of copying. ‘In the context of a literary work the concept of copying embraces taking the content of the work, or of a substantial part of it, and reproducing it, whether or not the alleged infringer reproduces the content by using the original authors words or by using his own words In relation to books, protecting the expression of ideas was discussed in Harman Pictures v Osborne (1967) where an injunction was granted to restrain the production of a film on the grounds that it infringed the copyright in the claimants book as phrases and expressions were directly copied and they both ended with exactly the same quotation. Baigent and Leigh v The Random House Group (2007) is the most recent case in which the court have had to decide on the issue of copyright in books and whether a substantial part of a work had been reproduced. The claimants were publishers of a 1992 book, the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and the defendants the publishers of Dan Browns 2003 novel entitled Da Vinci Code. Baigent and Leigh contended that in writing six chapters of Da Vinci Code a substantial part of their work had been copied. The claim was dismissed at trial however the claimant were granted leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal. Mr Justice Smith who heard the case in the first instance agreed that the six chapters highlighted were based largely on the claimants work but still went on to reject the copyright claim. Lord Justice Floyd in the appeal judgement reiterated how the courts would assess a claim for breach of copyright in a literary work. Firstly if there was material in both an early and later work and the author of the later had access to the former, an inference of copying is made. The court would then look closely at the material to establish if there was in fact any copying and whether this amounted to a substantial part. Baigent and Leigh did not contend that the text of their work was copied directly or that it was in some way adapted. The claim was that Dan Brown had copied the ‘theme of their work in his novel. The courts therefore had to decide whether the theme was protected by copyright bearing in mind the established law that copyright does not subsist in ideas but the expression of these ideas. Dan Brown did not deny that there was a similarity in theme between the two works but contended that he derived this material from other sources. Dan Brown also argued that if the claimants work had been used, the part copied was at a high level of generality and for this same reason could not be said to constitute a substantial part of the claimants work. The judge concluded that a central theme did not exist in the original work as if it did, it would have been recorded somewhere. â€Å"If it was one would have expected at least to find somewhere a statement that this is the Central Theme. This is where the Green case [Green v Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand [1989] RPC 700] is relevant.†He went on to conclude that if there was such a theme it was too generalised and therefore on the wrong side of the line between ideas and their expression. The judge held that the claimants failed to show structure and architecture to their scheme which remained a number of facts, ideas and assertions. This being the case, there is insufficient evidence of the skill labour and judgement needed in order to attach copyright to it. On appeal, Lord Mummery agreed with the courts decision and dismissed the appeal after clarifying the need to separate issues of copyright subsistence and infringement. The issue was not whether what was outlined by the Claimant as a central theme was copyrightable but whether it had been copied and whether it formed as a substantial part of the original work. It is in relation to these two points that the judges found the claimants had failed to establish their case. The above cases highlight the complexities faced by claimant, defendant and judge in protecting copyright in any given work. The efforts expounded in the original work and the need to encourage creativity are both in fierce competition with each other. Simon Stokes seems to suggest the reason for this balancing act is because, ‘à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦go too far one way and innovation is stifled because the public domain of ideas is encroached upon; go too far the other way and copyright creators may be disinclined to create copyright works if the law does not adequately protect their works Non textual copying where there is no clear evidence of a direct reproduction of the work will continue to be difficult to prove for so long as it is the expression of the idea that attracts copyright and not the idea itself. In relation to magazine and TV industries, the IPC case indicates that it would be extremely difficult to succeed in a copyright claim where there are changing formats envisaged. Peter Nunn States, Laddie J. found that so many elements of the â€Å"format†which the claimants sought to protect were commonplace, including the strapline on the front coverà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that he arguably shut the door on future claims to protect a magazines format It would be fair to say especially on analysing the Baigent judgement that the ideaexpression dichotomy works on two levels, both in relation to copyright subsistence and also to its infringement. In relation to subsistence the courts continue to assert that there can be no copyright in a general idea as was the case in Green and IPC. In relation to copyright infringement, Baignet shows that taking a general idea in a copyright work will not constitute infringement. The balance to be struck by the court appears to be a ‘work in itself as the facts of each case must be carefully examined as what may appear to be an expression is only an idea due to its generality, the fact that it could have been obtained from a number of other sources or it is common practice in a particular industry. What follows in establishing infringement is the concept of substantiality which the courts assess by weighing the amount of skill and judgement applied to the original work. Perhaps Chen Lin Saw rightly observes in Protecting the Sound of Silence in 433†, ‘While the idea-expression dichotomy is well established in copyright law and is easy to state in theory, its actual application in practice is still masked by a cloud of mystery and uncertainty
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Solar Power Essay example -- science
Solar Power All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. The heat from the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide fresh rainwater. Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions produce so much energy that they keep the surface temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that the Earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters some of the radiation. Even on a clear day with the sun directly overhead, the energy that reaches the Earth's surface is reduced about 30 percent by the atmosphere. When the sun is near the horizon and the sky is overcast, the solar energy at ground level can be negligible. It also varies from one point to another on the Earth's surface. Nevertheless, in the 20th century, the sun's energy has become an increasingly attractive source for small amounts of direct power to meet human needs. A number of devices for collecting solar energy and converting it into electricity have been developed, and solar energy is used in a variety of ways. Solar energy is used to heat houses, and in many countries specially designed solar... Solar Power Essay example -- science Solar Power All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. The heat from the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide fresh rainwater. Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions produce so much energy that they keep the surface temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that the Earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters some of the radiation. Even on a clear day with the sun directly overhead, the energy that reaches the Earth's surface is reduced about 30 percent by the atmosphere. When the sun is near the horizon and the sky is overcast, the solar energy at ground level can be negligible. It also varies from one point to another on the Earth's surface. Nevertheless, in the 20th century, the sun's energy has become an increasingly attractive source for small amounts of direct power to meet human needs. A number of devices for collecting solar energy and converting it into electricity have been developed, and solar energy is used in a variety of ways. Solar energy is used to heat houses, and in many countries specially designed solar...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
WHERE THERE IS SECURITY THERE IS PEACE! :: essays research papers
When most people think of Egypt they picture pyramids, mummies, deserts and beautiful beaches. While Egypt is best known for these things, many may not know that Egypt has had a long history of wars and violence with Israel. Ever since the beginning, Arabs and Israelis have been in hostility with one another. Up till this day Israelis and Palestinians still continue to commit violent acts against each other. This is why it is more important than ever now to enforce security everywhere in the Middle East. To prevent future suicide attacks and bombings committed by the Palestinian nation. The way Egypt sees security is a way to counter terrorism. With a good security plan and enforcement there is no way terrorist can commit violent acts. The Arab-Israeli conflict is a long-running conflict in the Middle East regarding the existence of the State of Israel and its relations with Arab peoples and nations. Egypt’s three wars with Israel were in 1948, 1967 and 1973, then its eventual peace agreement with its rival in 1979. In both 1948 and 1967 warfare’s with Israel, Egypt had lost both of them, and then finally in 1973 Egypt won their first war against Israel known as the Yom Kippur war which resulted to the signing of a peace treaty with Israel. The biggest issue Egypt faces right now is forming enemies with Israel, Palestine or any other surrounding Middle Eastern countries. For example if Egypt sides with either Israel or Palestine they will most definitely form bad relations with other countries. The search for peace in the Middle East dates back to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and it still remains a big issue in the Middle East. Both Israel and the Palestinians have said that their lack of their populations’ safety is a major obstacle to peace. The major keep back to the process of Peace in the Middle East is between both Israel and the Palestinians. Both countries have called for the end of violence as a requirement to returning to the negotiating table. But, Israelis, for example, have refused to speak to Palestinian negotiators while its citizens, both civilian and military, are being blown up in terrorist acts on buses, cafes, marketplaces and checkpoints. It’s a fact that without security there is no peace! Though peace is a large issue in the Middle East, many Arabs of Egypt believe that without a stable security system in the Middle East there is no way peace can be formed.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
New World Movie Review
Action, romance, hardships, drama, and suspense; now you’re probably thinking what do these very different qualities have in common. The New World is a dramatic film about the life of the settlers who came to the new world not knowing what to expect and having to deal with the new surroundings and the Native people. You will follow the life of a native girl named Pocahontas who experiences love, loss, and victory. You will be on your edge of your seat due to the action and suspense this movie sets on you. The New World was directed and written by Terrence Malick. The main characters in the film are Colin Farrell who played John Smith, Q’orianka Kilcher who played Pocahontas, and Christopher Plummer. This movie was made in 2005. This movie is about settlers from England coming to the New World to start colonies. It is the story of how they made it and what different hardships they had to overcome in order to survive in this new world. Throughout the movie you see how the natives interact with the colonists and how Pocahontas falls in love with Captain John Smith. In this movie settlers come from England to start over and discover new land. When they arrived they don’t know what to expect of the land or of the natives that live there. Knowing ahead of time that there were going to be natives living there they made sure to take precaution because they did not know what to expect of them. Throughout the movie you see the interactions between the natives and the settlers and often times it became very violent due to the settlers driving the native people out of their land. Pocahontas, the chiefs most loved daughter helps out settlers brings them food and teaches them how to grow crops to make money and to help them survive. The movie tells the story of the things that people discovered, how Pocahontas falls in love with John Smith and how the tables turn and how the outcome of their love might not be what you expected. In this movie the thing that caught my eye the most was the music and how just something so simple like the sound of wind or trees blowing can cause or change the overall feel of a scene. For example whenever you were in a scene with the Indians there was always this peaceful music that gave the Indians the audience the feeling of being at peace with them. In many scenes with Pocahontas when she is in the fields this peaceful music will play and it creates a very serein feel. This is a great movie and I recommend it to veryone who has a chance to see it. In my opinion the people who will like this movie will mainly be young adults because of the action and romance. During this whole movie I learned a lot about the not only the story of Jamestown but how to create different effects on people through film making. I personal liked the movie a lot because of romance between John Smith and Pocahontas and John Rolf and Pocahontas. Overall I recommend this movie to anyone who is in for a ro mance with some action involved! Short Biography:
Monday, September 16, 2019
Abou Shakra Essay
Q 01: Describe Abou Shakra in terms of the value it provides for customer. Ans: Abou Shakra has managed to maintain its own identity by having satisfied customer over the years. It was only possible as it followed some values since its inception to uphold its true identity as a restaurant. These values are as follow – Advantage – As a new restaurant when it started, it had to compete with the whole market as there was not many different cuisines available like now. So the competitive market necessitate that Abou Shakra had to offer something that would give him some advantage over the other competitors. This advantage turned out to be the greatest customer value offered by Abou Shakra, which was not offered by the majority of his customers. See more: Defining research problem and setting objectives Essay Persistent Focus on Customer – This restaurant have maintained the persistent focus on customer well-being and satisfaction and that had originally been the key factor to their success. This customer based marketing has been proved as the right track for their successive triumphs they have reached so far. Philosophy – Since its beginning, Abou Shakra has placed importance on its elegant dishes, prepared them with passions and provided a memorable experience to their guests. Abou Shakra has been following this philosophy ever since its establishment. This philosophy has brought in some other values n different ways. Such as – Abou Shakra has always ensured that its supplies are provided daily and they are preserved with appropriate standard. They have their own farms for meats and vegetables so that they can best product in the market. Over the years, it has kept its menu as simple as possible. Following no complexities has allowed it provide the best food so far. It has also maintained a hygiene environment for its customers so that they can feel like home. Their best feature would be their well trained employee wing that that ensure the utmost customer satisfaction. Q 02: Do you think Abou Shakra should develop a high-growth strategy? Why or why not? Ans: No, I don’t think Abou Shakra should develop a high growth strategy. Abou Shakra has successfully managed to collect good amount of profit over the years by following its existing strategy. This strategy has ensured its high efficiency rate all the way from its beginning. The reason behind this successful strategy – 1) Outstanding service – From its day one, Abou Shakra has emphasized on one thing only and that is customer satisfaction. Through its amazing services, this restaurant has managed to satisfy almost all the customers it attends every year. Elegant dishes, friendly employees and hygiene environment have helped it to achieve its peak. 2) Correct Locations – Though it was first established in 1947, it only has 12 outlets in Egypt including 2 international branches. This way of choosing correct locations for the food lovers proves to be one of the best strategic ways it has followed. But these various locations didn’t come out as a hectic way of managing as Abou Shakra has always ensured its fresh deliveries to its each outlet. 3) Fresh Ingredients – Fresh ingredients also helped it to maintain the equal interest in all outlets. They never compromised with any of its ingredients even it was their overseas outlet which has proved as one of the best way to ensure satisfied customer. 4) Low budget on Advertisement – As Abou Shakra believes that satisfied customer is the best advertising tool, they always tend to reduces expenses instead of spending a large amount of money. They even try to spend that money on increasing the quality of the food and service provided.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
A Supposedly Fun Thing ill Never Do Again
A Supposedly Fun Thing ill Never Do Again 39†² NarIna-Karapetyan For most people even the idea Of being able to relax and finally go on a vacation is exciting but for David Wallace being pampered seems unpleasant and he feels uncomfortable getting too comfortable. He receives ‘Stress from pampering†and a â€Å"weird kind Of pampering-paranoia†. Throughout the Whole essay Wallace iS very critical and judgmental not only Of the cruise, but Of its staff, and passengers as well. TO express himself in his writing, he uses a lot Of repetition and metaphors to get his point across to the readers. ile this descriptive essay is humorous and an easy read due to the language, it is also very detailed and a little too verbose for my liking. on one side this creates Imagery and makes the readers feel like they are on the cruise with David, but its this same thing Tat also makes It exhausting to read. There is a lot going and most of the time the extensive details of littl e things like the deck chairs or the Inside of his bathroom are trivial to his overall experience. What seems like his pointless rambling, makes the reader doze off and become disinterested. And just in case we didnt know nough already.Wallace includes lengthy footnotes that elaborate even further. Wallace never actually states that he isnt enjoying the cruise. but through his language we can make this implication. have seen a lot of really big white ships†¦.. l have seen camcorders that practically required a dolly†¦ l have seen a toupee on a thirteen year old boy. †(257). He goes on like this for almost a whole page, describing what would seem like interesting experiences but by saying â€Å"Is this enough? ‘ he shows us that he is annoyed with everything he has encountered,He compares the hip to many things. ut one that found to be most shocking is his comparison to the holocaust, â€Å"†¦ its unwitting echo of the Auschwitz-embarkation scene in Schi ndler's In spite of all this, he is still able to see the natural beauty of his surroundings compared to the artificial beauty of the cruise ship. One Of the themes in this essay iS being an Outsider, in many David Wallace doesn't belong on this cruise ship and iS on the outside looking in. He iS one Of two people Who iS alone on the ship, the only one Without a camera, and unlike most eople relaxing isnt the purpose Of his trip.He describes himself as an agoraphobe and spends most of the time in his cabin. believe Wallace's fear is keeping him from truly letting go and enjoying himself and that is the main reason to why his opinion of his experience can sound contradicting at times. By Narina-Karapetyan For most people even the idea of being able to relax and finally go on a vacation is uncomfortable getting too comfortable. He receives â€Å"stress from pampering†and a â€Å"weird kind of pampering-paranoia†. Throughout the whole essay Wallace is very ritical and Ju dgmental not only of the cruise, but of its staff, and passengers as well.To express himself in his writing, he uses a lot of repetition and metaphors to get his While this descriptive essay is humorous and an easy read due to the language, it is also very detailed and a little too verbose for my liking. On one side this creates imagery and makes the readers feel like they are on the cruise with David, but its this same thing that also makes it exhausting to read. There is a lot going and most of the time the extensive details of little things like the deck chairs or the inside of his akes the reader doze off and become disinterested.And Just in case we didn't know enough already, Wallace includes lengthy footnotes that elaborate even further. Wallace never actually states that he isn't enjoying the cruise, but through his language we can make this implication. â€Å"l have seen a lot of really big white ships.. I have seen camcorders that practically required a dolly†¦ Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ have seen a toupee on a what would seem like interesting experiences but by saying â€Å"Is this enough? †he shows us that he is annoyed with everything he has encountered.He compares the hip to many things, but one that I found to be most shocking is his comparison to Schindler's List†(270). In spite of all this, he is still able to see the natural beauty of his One of the themes in this essay is being an outsider, in many ways David Wallace doesn't belong on this cruise ship and is on the outside looking in. He is one of two people who is alone on the ship, the only one without a camera, and unlike most people relaxing isn't the purpose of his trip. He describes himself as an agoraphobe and spends most of the time in his cabin. I believe Wallace's fear is keeping him from
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