Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Unexpected Truth About Argumentative Essay Topics on Education
The Unexpected Truth About Argumentative Essay Topics on Education Facts, ultimately, will always win out against how folks are feeling at a specific moment. Your readers want to see the entire picture, and that's what you should concentrate on. Topics might be associated with the selection of contradictory issues which depend on the topic and field of interest. Argumentative Essay Topics on Education When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the main matter to do is to select a topic and an argument you can really get behind. Everybody can influence you. Conclusion needs to be concise and logical. Conclusion when you're done placing all of your information in the body paragraphs, it's necessary for you to compose a conclusion. Relevant Topics that are related to your society will engage the reader in the very best possible method. Thesis Statement Thesis statement holds plenty of importance in any sort of essay writing. If you get to select your own topic, that's good. Review of credible sources on this issue. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you should first think about what it is you are likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. You will discover a range of argumentative essay topics but picking the perfect one might be the basic and the very first step to compose an influential essay. It's possible to select an intriguing topic from any area of science. Introduction Your introduction needs to be compelling. The subject of education makes for a fantastic persuasive style essay. Popular themes for academic papers can be seen on our site too. Professional essay writers at 5staressays can help you, in case you're looking for specialists to guide you. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's important to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. You might also compose a narrative essay to talk about your story about traditional or internet learning. Education essays can concern an outstanding selection of topics. The Rise of Argumentative Essay Topics on Education Nobody would like to read an essay that's laden with half truths, and the sole approach to increase credibility of your written work is by conducting extensive research on the subject. Any writer ought to be well conscious of the contrary opinions, which will aid in giving persuasive statements to support a person's judgement. In addition, you can warn your audience about certain consequences that could occur if the problem under discussion isn't addressed properly. The issue is that everybody's inter pretation of what makes a great society differs. Education research paper topics provide education majors a selection of samples about how to compose projects which range from Adult Learning Theories to Early Education Literacy. It is a huge science that focuses on both technical and psychological aspects of teaching. It is one of the ways of bettering yourself. It is a very interesting process. What Is So Fascinating About Argumentative Essay Topics on Education? Is government keeping every kind of student in mind when making polices for education. A lot of the biggest questions in education are linked to policy. Folks need education so they can be offered with valuable tools and expertise to aid them better provide for themselves and for their nearest and dearest. The net has definitely made self-publishing an increasing option, and to be successful today you want to participate in all the regions of technology. There are positive and negative choices. Moreover, besides economic prosperity and success, surely, there are many reasons why education is quite valuable especially in the modern world. On the 1 hand, it ought to be free as there are poor who are smart, intelligent and capable, yet the state stipulates no education in their opinion.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Reasons Why I Avoid Social Networking Services - 996 Words
We all have been asked to either stop using a social network or to join a specific social network; like Facebook. We have these two authors; Alan Norton and Dan Fletcher, they give their reasons why we shouldn’t use social networks and why they don’t use them in their essays. Which are, respectively, â€Å"10 Reasons Why I Avoid Social Networking Services†and â€Å"How Facebook is Redefining Privacy.†In my opinion, it should be up to the reader what they decide to do on social network services. One should have the intelligence to know what is appropriate to post online and what you want others to know about one’s life. Today’s younger generation is consistently using social media and must be taught Internet etiquette. It is up to everyone what they wish to do with him or her time, privacy, and digital footprint. Dan Fletcher’s conclusion is that he wants us, the reader to stop using social networks. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, invented Facebook in his dorm for Ivy League students to keep in touch. Fletcher makes an excellent metaphor comparing the employees for Zuckerberg, who work without cubicles or walls to Facebook’s profiles saying there’s no privacy. Fletcher focuses on Facebook’s privacy policies and how fast they have expanded and the money they have made. He says that Facebook is constantly changing their privacy policies, where he goes in details of all the changes they have done over the years. Zuckerberg’s idea for Facebook is for the world to be open andShow MoreRelatedAn Inside Look at 0nline Dating Essay1547 Words  | 7 PagesOnline Dating Online website allows individuals to contact and communicate with others through the Internet each. It follows the sociological principle of social networking. The quest of love has inspired people to invest in much thoughts and efforts in the process of building a romantic relationship. 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It has become a huge part of our lives. We are on it 24/7 but I think Social Media is a great platform for our generation and will be for theRead MoreHow Social Media Has Changed Our Face1975 Words  | 8 PagesRyan McLoughlin Mr. Venice English 12 25 February, 2016 How Social Media has changed our Face to Face Communication. We live in a world of social media where everyone is constantly on their phones scrolling through Twitter or Snapchat with their headphones on, not communicating with one another in person. This new technology has completely changed the way we communicate. It’s changed just about everything about us, changing our culture. It’s changed the way we engage with one another
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Role Of Nutrition On Martial Arts, Police And Military...
The Role of Nutrition in Martial Arts, Police Military Personnel By Will Brink | Submitted On May 19, 2005 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Will Brink For a considerable amount of time, nutrition has not played a prominent role in the life of many martial artists, police, and military personnel as a means of improving performance. Top athletes are always looking for an edge. Although the martial arts are more of a way of life and a life style than a sport per se, the needs of the martial artist are the same as that of the elite athlete. Mental aspects not withstanding (i.e. mental awareness, strategy, cunning, etc.), the need for speed, agility, strength, flexibility, and the ability to recuperate from tough workouts (and unforgiving sparing partners) is paramount to the success of athletes and martial artists alike. Police and military personnel can also have unique requirements that require them to perform at peak physical and or psychological levels. Over the past decade our knowledge of sports nutrition has evolved into a science that has swept the athletic world and has been partially responsible for the ever increasing numbers of athletes who are pushingShow MoreRelatedCorrectional Administration Reviewer18383 Words  | 74 Pagesor publicly for the purpose of appeasing a social group. 8. Deterrence. Cesare Becarria, the exponent of the Classical Theory contended that punishment is to prevent others in committing a crime. ï ½ CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRICTIONS OF PENALTIES Sec. 21, Art. IV, 1973 Constitution of the Philippines. Directs that excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor be cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. ï ½ ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF PENALTIES OR PUNISHMENTS Natural Law. This originated from God (natural law) to enforceRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesunder which they labored to expand the career opportunities available to them at different times and in diverse settings. She places special emphasis on the important but often overlooked roles they played in politics, particularly those associated with resistance movements, and their contributions to arts and letters worldwide. Drawing on the essay collections and series on women in world history that she has edited over the past decade, Smith’s fully global perspectives make clear that evenRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagesand techniques 6.1 Define activities 9.1.2. Responsibility matrixes 10.1 Communication planning (.2.3.4) [App. G-4] Chapter 12 Outsourcing 12.1.1 Procurement requirements [G.8] Contract types Conflict management 12.2.7 The art of negotiating Change requests Chapter 13 Monitoring Progress Chapter 5 Estimating Times and Costs 6.4 Activity duration estimates (.3) 6.4.2 Estimating tools (.1.3.4) 6.3.1 Identifying resources 7.1 Activity cost estimates (
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Drugs Take You For Hell Disguised As Heaven - 1449 Words
â€Å"DRUGS TAKE YOU TO HELL DISGUISED AS HEAVEN†Donald Lynn Frost. As we find ourselves in the beginning of a new millennium, we are faced with challenges to our survival as a human population. Some of the greatest threats to our survival are sweeping epidemics that affect millions of individuals worldwide. Drug addiction, although often regarded as a personality disorder, may also be seen as a worldwide epidemic with evolutionary genetic, physiological, and environmental influences controlling this behavior. Globally, the use of drugs has reached all-time highs. On average, drug popularity differs from nation to nation.1 Archaeological evidence from across the world has revealed a human inclination to seek altered states of consciousness†¦show more content†¦Vulnerability to drugs, be it in terms of cultivation, production, trafficking or use, exists in countries at all levels of development. Different stages of the drug problem result in different manifestations of violence. Substance use may lead to violence related to the psychoactive e ffects of substances, as well as to crime committed in order to obtain funds for purchasing substances.4 The world drug problem is intertwined with all aspects of sustainable development. The analysis of the drug problem, and the response thereto, through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals reveals the mechanisms of this interaction. All areas of sustainable development, as identified in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, shape the nature and dynamic of the drug problem. Poverty may also have strong links with drug use, albeit in a complex and mutually reinforcing manner. Indeed, the brunt of the drug use problem is borne by people who are poor in relation to the societies in which they live, as can be seen in stark terms in the wealthier countries.4, 5 Drug use often affects people during their most productive years. When youth become trapped in a cycle of substance use, and even in the trade itself, as opposed to being engaged in legitimate employment and educational opportunities, distinct barriers are effectively raised to the development of individuals and communities. Drug pushers areShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"Drugs Take You To Hell Disguised As Heaven†8 Simple Words1396 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Drugs take you to hell disguised as heaven†8 simple words but they mean much more, drug therapist ,Donald Lynn Frost, said this. He’s talking about how the drugs have a person feeling like they’re in heaven, but they are really just putting deeper into a own personal hell. The people of the 70’s know this feeling, in their society drugs were everywhere were a normal part of life. The 70’s culture was something that dealt with rights, rebellion, and particularly women’s rights. Women’s rightsRead MoreThere Are All Kinds Of People4680 Words  | 19 Pagessame-sex marriages.Davis’ actions defied the law and thus she was consequently jailed. When asked why she denied the two men, she said that she did not want her name affixed with a same-sex marriage license. â€Å"It is not a light issue for me. It is a heaven or hell decision,†Davis said, citing her religion. A surprising amount of people agree with Davis, but those with a functioning brain know that she should not have brought her religion and personal beliefs into her work and instead should have done herRead MoreEssay on Fall of Asclepius95354 Words  | 382 Pagesabout fleeing from infested areas. Everywhere was infested. There was no where anyone could go without encountering the walking plague. You know that phrase War is Hell? Well... its dead wrong. War at least has some organization to it. What was faced in the last days... by last days I mean the last days of civilization not life; itself. What was faced was hell. Everyone went ape shit insane. Everyone was killing and raping each other into oblivion, because we were under attack by creatures thatRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesAttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning or its author endorse you or your use of the work). (2) Noncommercial You may not use this work for commercial purposesRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pages8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PREFACE Welcome to the 30th anniversary of Marketing Mistakes and Successes with this 11th edition. Who would have thought that interest in mistakes would be so enduring? Many of you are past users, a few even for decades. I hope you will find this new edition a worthy successor to earlier editions. I think this may even be my best book. The new Google and Starbucks cases should arouse keen student interest, and may even inspire another generation of Read MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words  | 385 Pagescourse. The ‘full story’ that follows this summary gives you considerable detail about how to go about a case analysis, but for now here is a brief account. Before we start, a word about attitude – make it a real exercise. You have a set of historical facts; use a rigorous system to work out what strategies should be followed. All the cases are about real companies, and one of the entertaining bits of the analysis process is to compare what you have said they should do with what they really have done
Effects of Poverty on Intellectual Development - 3035 Words
The Effects of Childhood Poverty on Intellectual Development It is widely known that poverty has many negative effects on the development of children who grow up in impoverished homes. One of the most influential outcomes of a person’s life is their intellectual development, which takes place primarily within the first years of life. Not only can childhood poverty result in less enjoyable childhoods, but adversely affects the cognitive and behavioral development; yet more specifically, children’s intellectual development (Duncan 406). In fact, the economic conditions that a child is subjected to during early and middle childhood is very crucial for forming ability, achievement, and intellectual development (Duncan 408). Poverty has†¦show more content†¦Living in a neighborhood made up of a majority of poor families creates the unsafe and non-cognitively stimulating environment for a child to develop in. Because cognitive stimulation is a direct proponent of intellectual development, childhood poverty proves to affec t brain development through the home environment. Mother’s Involvement with Child The next mediating mechanism of childhood poverty affecting intellectual development is the mother’s involvement with her child. How a child is raised and parented is crucial to the human development at a young age, and is one of the main intervening factors between poor families and the ultimate outcome of the child. More completed models of childhood development in poverty include â€Å"mediators such as the amount and quality of time spent by parents with their children,†along with the other aspects of home-learning environments (Duncan, Brooks-Gunn, and Klebanov 309). Parents who live in poverty daily and for longer amounts of time often face lack of food, poor housing, unsafe neighborhoods, unemployment, discrimination, and poor health (Guo and Harris 433). When facing these hardships, impoverished parents suffer from more psychological issues than non-poor parents, which can lead to harsh discipline and low levels of supp ort for the child. When a parent is not supportive or does not challenge a child to preform at a higherShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Poverty On Childhood Development924 Words  | 4 Pagesbetween poverty, lower socioeconomic status (SES), and childhood development. While poverty can be directly linked to negative developments in terms of health status it is also indirectly linked to other important factors such as; mental health, physiological wellbeing and education, all of which have major impacts on childhood development which can also be transferred into adulthood. This essay aims to evaluate the literature available on the effects of poverty on childhood development and theRead MoreNature Nurture Debate922 Words  | 4 Pagesnature-nurture debate, is very often associated with the issue of intellectual quotient, better known as IQ. In the past psychologists have argued that the way in which a child developed was based solely on nature, genetic or hormone-based behavio rs, or nurture, environment and experience. Nevertheless, this extreme way of thinking is now long outdated, and it is clear that both nature and nurture have great effect on our intellectual development. The question now lies in just how much impact each has onRead MoreEffects Of Poverty On The Health Of A Child Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesAs of 2015, 14.5 million children are living in poverty. What is poverty you ask? Poverty defined by Webster’s Dictionary is the state of being extremely poor. In my opinion, poverty is much more than not having enough money to supply basic needs. Poverty is lack of shelter, lack of food in most cases, being sick and not able to see a doctor. Having very little to no resources in order to acquire the proper education, poverty is one of the major problems among society today. Affecting all ages atRead MoreThe Difference Between The Rate Of Development989 Words  | 4 PagesThe difference between the sequence of development, the rate of development and why and the difference between the two are important is that the rate of development is normally the ‘time frame’ in which development takes place and the sequence of development is when development follows the expected pattern but not at a particular time. Genetics, social and cultural factors all have an impact on when a child will develop their skills. Both terms are important to know, therefore you can establish theRead MoreEffectiveness Of Early Interventions For Children With Developmental Disabilities1639 Words  | 7 Pagesdifficulty developing positive peer relationships (DiSalvo Oswald, 2002; Mconnell, 2002; Strain Hoyson, 2000). Examples of developmental disabilities are Autism spectrum disorder, behavior disorders, Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome and intellectual disabilities. Topic Section Early interventions such training programs that teach parents strategies on how to work with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been proven to be extremely affective in developing successful life skillsRead MoreA Family s Economic Deprivation Most Dominant Factor Of A Child s Health1305 Words  | 6 Pagesimpact the development of children? Key Research Findings: The article states that family income is the most dominant factor of a child’s cognitive development out of all other conventional measures such as ethnicity, female headship or maternal education. However income and economic status only has a faint connection and cannot be considered as synonyms. Moreover the duration and timing of economic deprivation has a strong correlation between the potential detriments on children’s development. ConverselyRead MoreAn Emergency to Support the Indigent in the US890 Words  | 4 PagesPoverty is a serious phenomenon that has been widespread all over the world. Although, many charitable organizations like CARE, Action Against Hunger (AAH) or Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) have operated with a highest enthusiasm to help the indigent, the amount of those have still been increasing significantly in recent years. According to the survey of the United States Census Bureau, the percentage of Americans in poverty rose from 12.2 to 1 5.9 percent and the proportion skyrocketed from 33Read MoreGlobalization Advanced Free Trade, Open Markets, And Competition1469 Words  | 6 Pagesdiseases, famine, and premature death. In chapter one of Promises Not Kept: Poverty and The Betrayal of Third-World Development John Isbister declared that in the twentieth cen ¬tury, The lives of people in the third world are changing. They are not improving, however, at least for the majority. In order to understand this imbalance in the third world countries, the author gives five different human experiences of poverty. The story of today’s third world is told best not in statistics, nor in treatisesRead MoreEarly Intervention : A Child s Development1081 Words  | 5 Pages EARLY INTERVENTION: A CHILD’S DEVELOPMENT, THE EFFECT OF STRESS, AND THE IMPACT OF EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAMS â€Æ' (I going to use footnotes to mark comments) For infants and toddlers with severe disabilities, the early years of development were crucial to attain optimal development (Guralnick, 2000), with an important factor the parent-child relationship. The parent(s) are the first person the child interacts with (Aydin Yamac, 2014), continually shaping his or her social, emotional, communicativeRead MoreA Child s Education Is Vital991 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is poverty and does social class shape the character of a child’s life and education, especially those children of poverty? These questions are important to consider for educators and all involved in the goal for children to have greater achievement. It s even more important to note that forty percent of the poor, in the United States, are children (Stevenson, 1997). Knowing this is the reason that finding solutions and studying the effects of parent involvement, both at school and at home
Strategic Change in an Organisation Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Discuss Models of Strategic Change.2.Examine the need for Strategic Change in an Organisation.3.Develop Systems to Involve Stakeholders in the Planning of Change.4.Develop Appropriate Models for Change. Answers: Introduction Strategic change in an organisation is associated with the change in the management and modification in the mission, vision and objectives to achieve a specific targeted goal. The reason behind strategic change in the management is rapid, dynamic changes in surroundings and volatile buying behaviour of consumers (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Changes in the management create more opportunities and explore new growth areas for the organisation. These changes are mainly influences by various internal as well as external factors of the organisation. Moreover, changes in the market place are persistent and competition is also becoming intense day by day. And to meet with these contemporary changes and competitive environment, strategic changes in the management are essential to adjust theory and planning of the organisation. The strategic change intervention improves the organisational productivity and functions at different level. It strengthens the individual and team response with the active leadership. It derives changes from current strategic aim of an organisation with the transition in coveted future strategic goals (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Therefore, this study is highlighting the significant changes in an organisation. For this purpose, planning changes has been explored with theory and pertaining issues in model for changes. It also illustrates the strategy of change developed involving stakeholders of the organisation. Apart from that, the report has also been supported by factual information on strategic change project. 1.Models of Strategic Change The main influence that forces strategic change in an organisation entails internal as well as external factors. Where, changes are permanent in today's business world, it is required to ensure the competitive position of the organisation by developing the strategic model of change (Hiatt, 2006). The model should be considered with the future desired organisational objectives and current state of the firm. Thus, for this purpose some of the model of change is described as follows: Lewin's Model of Change Management: This model was created by Kurt Lewin in 1950 who was a psychologist. As per his inference, he found that people wants to deal and operate within their own space and safety zone (Simms, 2008). To change the management scenario and explore opportunities, he explained the process in three stages that are first, Unfreeze- management should make efforts and motivate its staff to fall out of this attitude and tenancy. Second is Transition which leads to major and perpetual changeover through reassurance and apt leadership by the management (Simms, 2008). Third is Refreeze, after implementation of strategy successfully, staff will have to follow new guidelines and control which is refreezing the staff. Though, Lewin's Model take time to enact, yet it is the most simple and effective way to develop change in management. Kotter's 8 steps Change Model: John Kotter is the developer of this Model of change that aims to turn the transition into a campaign. Leaders articulate the requirement and reason for the change to their staff; they assure those companies benefit and ensure their growth prospective to their employees (Kotter, 2012). This urgent need for change enables employees to acquire and enact changes in the organisation. The model embroils eight steps as follows: 1) develop comprehension and urgency for change in the organisation. 2) Selection of dutiful and hard-working key team members. 3) Set objectives and foresightedness for change involved in the process. 4) Establish a sound cognizance regarding change requirement (Kotter, 2012). 5) Motivate and inspire team members for change in the organisation. 6) Set projected objectives and aim of the organisation for short term application. 7) Try to accept the change in the organisation and follow it steadily. 8) Make it a long sustained strategic goal for the organisation (Kotter, 2012). These steps are very easy to emerge and more focused on acceptance and preparation for change. However, no step can be skipped and the process takes a long time to complete. ADKAR Model for Change: This model is specifically for change in the management and one of the most implemented models for strategic change in an organisation developed by Prosci. It is based on the five elements that must be concerned for the change dealing in individual level effectively (Hiatt, 2006). ADKAR acronym used as Awareness of the purpose of change, Desire to involve in significant change, Knowledge on the strategy and proper implementation for dealing with situation and Ability to adopt the changes positively executing new behaviour and cognition (Talloo, 2007). Last is Reinforcement for perpetual change and maintaining it with the vulnerable environment. McKinsey 7-S framework: It has been found in 1980s by McKinsey and Company which is implemented with the focus of 7 stages. The steps are as follows: Structure that gives the examination of structure of the company and potential to execute the model of change. System system focuses on the updating and discards of old system and replaced with new one (Cummings and Worley, 2009). Skills it will be used to enhance the effect of change in the organisation by utilising abilities and talented employees and key partners of the firm. After that, Staff is responsible for the successful execution of change, thus people of business should be from diversity and their turnover structure should be prcised. Strategy- the apt strategy will be decided by the competitive analysis and its models implementation can decide the future of the organisation (Cummings and Worley, 2009). Last is Shared value- it is mission and objectives that are projected via change in the management by every single person stakeholders of the company Relevance of models with current economy Every change in an organisation should be executed slowly, systematically and steadily. As per Kotter's model of change, the implementation of any change should be incorporated step by step and not by rushing into transformation. In addition to this, today's business environment is very unpredictable which requires urgency for the change in Organisation steadily. For this reason organisation should always inspire and motivate its employees with urgent need and with coherent comprehension of the concept of change (Reed, 2017). The current economy is strongly uncertain and intensely competitive, thus it requires some sustainable approach to deal with the situation. Along with this, it is very vital for an organisation to integrate its stakeholders specially employees in the planning and strategy of change. It will help the company to utilise them as a valuable asset of the organisation and bring their loyalty and commitment towards organisation. Furthermore, if a company is not able to communicate the need for change to its employees or adopts a modest way to deal with the change, it will indeed desert the process of change. Consequently, it will dwindles the environment and discourage employees for the change. In order to avoid this situation, Kotter's model of change will aid company in overcoming the volatile environment and redesign the organisation (Griffin and Moorhead, 2011). For this reason, leaders of the company must articulate their method clearly and efficiently to address the change appropriately. Management should also significantly focus on the active participation of team members that encourage and ameliorate the change effectively. Apart from this, Lewin's and ADKAR model of change is more straightforward to deal with the problems in surrounding. The top management act as a reader and give full authority and confidence to the employees or team members to act in the change. Moreover, the model emphasised on the implementation of sound communication system between the team and top level management. For this purpose, they launch new equipments and techniques to resolve the issue (Reed, 2017). To make the change static they provide apt reward for the team that motivates and encourage them to incorporate change more effectively. This approach was also executed by Samsung Company due to competitive and social pressure. Top management of company shows confidence in its team and authorise them for destroying their poor quality handsets. Thus, this case shows that the Lewin's model of change can be applied at the time of very odd and adverse conditions such as political or legal changes in the environment (Reed, 2017). Importance of using strategic intervention techniques in organisation Strategies and techniques to solve the issues associated with the changes in the business environment are focused on the long term goals and sustainability. Likewise, the implementation of strategic intervention should be done in appropriate timing and with certain attentiveness otherwise It may affect the organisation harmfully. It makes dismal in the internal environment of the organisation and demoralise team members (ASL, 2015). Social intervention is a pivotal part of management and holds a prestigious position which alleviates the growth and development of an organisation. Similarly, its execution in organisation will empower the business process and communication language and helps management in directing and controlling their business staff efficaciously. In addition to this, the strategy in the implementation of the change is management is very necessary to provide a situational awareness that focuses to build a comprehension about the change and its influence on other organisations, attributes and characteristics (Boonstra, 2013). Along with this, it also enables the supporting structure to the organisation by facilitating sponsor and talented and skilful team members. The strategic operation also gives systematic and imperative analysis regarding resistance, special tactics and risks. Furthermore, it is one of the beneficial and critical parts for the successful application of the methods used in the change management. It gives strong judgement ability for the sound decision making and directing the results as per the set objectives (Boonstra, 2013). Moreover, the apt strategy will also define the results in detailed manner as how and who will be influenced by the change in management and in what degrees. Strategies that help in changing the management are deciding the goals before initiating any planning of change. The analysis of old systems should be done profoundly and projected goals are prepared accordingly (Naghibi and Baban, 2011). Additionally, the time of the change should be decided which its planning and defined time should be given for its implementation and after measurements of the results. The change in the culture is affected by the change in management thus; it has to be addressed evidently. The strategy should be based on the short goals and achievement should be celebrated with the each win to cheer and encourage employees to make it a big win effectual. The encouragement in the employees will help the company in finding new ways and innovative ideas to continue the change in management and in a directed way. The communication system is also a vital part of the strategy which should be focused to reach out for the hurdles and opposition by the stakeholders and conv ince them for the change (Naghibi and Baban, 2011). Admittedly, communication should also necessary for the employees encouragement and providing them vision and goals towards the change of management. The management should always try to achieve its projected goals with little margin of change and modification in the strategy for success. 2.Need for strategic change in the organisation Every organisation requires improvement in operation and function of its business activities to cope up with the vulnerable changes in the external and internal environment. Persistent improvement in an organisation is the eminent challenge though implementation of new strategies and defeating the resistance (Pablos, et. al., 2016). There are various reasons which require strategic change in the management of an organisation such as to seek out new opportunities in the market. Opportunities may include growth and expansion opportunities and also to attain the competitive advantage in the market. It is the most apt approach to review previous operation with the strategic new goals. As it narrows the performance gap of the organisation, it supports the management team in proficiency to achieve the objectives and goals of the organisation. In addition to this, internal and external pressures of the organisation are also notable reason for the change. Internal pressure embraces entrepreneurship, management and restructuring of the organisation whereas, globalisation, competition, technology, legislation and economic pressure involves in the external factors (Cameron and Green, 2015). One of the leading reasons for change is the fast and continuous change in the technology in the market. Emergence of new technology forces a company to cater new and innovative products in the market. To escape from crisis in the industry or market is another effect of change of management. Moreover, it may be also a consequence of static business activities which enforce them to change their management and result in new goals and growth of the organisation. In the same way, changes are the reason for flowing new energy and positive attitude in the organisation. It can be the need to stop the failing products and services in the market provided by the organisation (Pablos, et. al., 2016). Lastly, it can be associated with the acquisitions and mergers recently occurred in the organisation that has affected the organisation negatively. To overcome these negativity and modification in the way of working strategic change management in the organisation is an efficient and effective approach. Factors driving the need for strategic change in the organisation Factors that influence the requirement of strategic change in management are divided into two forces that are External force and internal force. External forces are the pressure outside the organisation which cannot be controlled by the organisation and needs to be addressed for the survival of the organisation (Hussey, 2000). It includes political forces related to temporary environment for an organisation but has a strong effect on its products and services. Economical forces connected with the economy pressure on markets and industry of entire country. Technological force is one of the major pressure arises due to vast competition, companies are seeking for innovative products and better than competitors that led to frequent and rapid change in the technology. Government forces are the pressure which is different in each country example deregulation, foreign exchange, suspension agreement, antitrust laws and protectionism. Additionally, augmented global competition also constrains any organisation for continuous and fast change of products and services accordingly. Incorporation of information technology is the biggest support for an organisation along with the innovation in products and services through research and development department (Cameron and Green, 2015). Additionally, changes in the customers desires, needs and preferences are factors that cannot be controlled by the organisation. Changing trends, fashions and designs influences the choice of the customers as well as vast options are available in the market that confuses and directs their choice of buying. Internal forces embroils system dynamics with is concerned with the dominant groups of the organisation, integrated technology, informal and formal relationship within the organisation and intrinsic politics influences the organisational change. Furthermore, inadequacy of administrative process related to the rules, regulations and revision of goals and objectives. Likewise, individual/group speculations that meant to be satisfied for the greater productivity and better performance (Hussey, 2000) are also related to the internal forces. Structure focused change is decentralisation, downsizing and job redesigning that effects the cost and profitability of the organisation in a positive way. Other forces are technology change, person focused change, profitability issues and resource constraints that docile the change in management. The resources implications of the organisation not responding to strategic change Effective and systematic implementation of the strategic changes is crucial for any organisation. Coupled with the strong and effective response of the organisation is equally essential. However, if the organisation does not respond properly, it will harm the organisation drastically in terms of loss of market shares, finances, liquidation, and inability of production and loss of employment (Hussain, et al. 2016). Thus, cogent execution of strategic change management is paramount for an organisation to save its resources and future. In financial or economic crisis, strategic change is an essential part and bound to be responded positively by the organisation. Redesigning and restructuring of the organisation is a must for an organisation for the survival and protection for liquidation in crisis. Furthermore, it is crucial as well as urgent need for a company to complete the change process timely. The attainment of competitive advantage in the crisis is also not possible without addressing the strategic changes of the company effectively (Hussain, et al. 2016). Hence, it can be implicated with the above observation that an organisation should respond to the strategic changes in a positive way to resolve the problems and for the future growth of the organisation. 3.Develop system to involve stakeholders in change Active participation of team members and employees is a serious aspects while implementation of change management to gain the most out of the strategic change. Stakeholders are the key for success for any organisation without their support it is next to impossible to execute any crucial plan and develop (McCalman, et al., 2015). Nonetheless, if leaders of the organisation plan, organise, establish and monitor the process carefully, the participation of stakeholders can be optimised. Some of the points should be noticed at the time of planning cordially. Each and every stakeholder should assist and participate in the change of management directly or indirectly. Communication between the management and stakeholders should be sound and coherent. Conclusive orders should be avoided to emerge dissatisfaction among stakeholders. Thus, discussion and suggestions of stakeholders should be welcomed so that it brings commitment and loyalty of the team members (McCalman, et al., 2015). Furthermore, credibility and confidence on the management team by the stakeholders can only be gained if there is a fair transparency and honesty is promoted among them. The accurate reason for change should be communicated to the team members without hiding the details. While discussion listen to the stakeholders suggestion, follow-up questions and even repeat the information if needed. This will encourage them to share their views plus they will feel important to the organisation. Thus, proper articulation of information is must every now and then in the organisation. In case of any issue between stakeholders and management, try to solve it as early as possible (McCalman, et al., 2015). Convince them to agree on management terms with full consent and acceptance with minute adjustments. Difference in the opinion, feedbacks and comments should also be welcomed and handled properly to avoid the rebelliousness. Communicate and interact with the stakeholders frequently and organise meetings, if necessary. Try to fix it with relating their prospective with the strategic goal and managements goals. Create a change management strategy involving stakeholders There are seven steps that have to be followed to create a strategy change management with the help of stakeholders. First, Communication- foremost part of the strategy change integrating stakeholders is to inform them properly about the change and related queries such as need and how to implement these changes in the organisation (Whitley and Glaser, 2014). The methods of communication entail physical interaction, e-mailing, surveys, voting, questionnaire and interviews. Second, Introduction and Invitation- to introduce the strategic change direct meets should be arranged between business heads and top level management. Third, Need- the top management and business head should articulate the reason and strategy behind the change of management in the meeting. Forth, to document the minutes of the meeting along with hard copies of the change management should be circulated among stakeholders and welcoming their reviews on it (Whitley and Glaser, 2014). Fifth, Resolution of issues and change implementation- this involves the solution of feedbacks regarding change and convincing them on importance of change. Finally, Team selection- potential employees should be selected for the team formation concerned with the change management and lead the process effectively and efficiently. Evaluate the above system For an organisation stakeholders have a valuable position and no stakeholder should be taken for granted in every stage of change in organisation. The feeling of belongingness and confidence in the management is a product of clear communication by the management to the stakeholders. Along with this, it is very important in the process of change that the stakeholders will be taken seriously and sincerely (Yaeger and Sorensen, 2009). The organisation should always request and accept their reviews to motivate and encourage their participation in the process of change. In addition to this, their queries and concerns are addressed carefully. The aim of the management should be related with the strong comprehension between stakeholders and management regarding goals and objectives of the organisation. There are certain strategies that can ensure the stakeholder participation in the change such as outplacement strategy, containment strategy and engagement strategy. Engagement strategy- it is a very influential scheme by communicating and convincing the majority of the stakeholders for the change in an organisation. On the other hand, doubtful people will be convinced by this majority of convinced stakeholders. Thus, focus of the organisation to engage maximum people in the process by acceptance and convincing them. Outplacement strategy- this strategy is to eliminate the stakeholders if they are adamant and persistently resist for the change management (Yaeger and Sorensen, 2009). Another is containment strategy- this theory emphasis on the resistance and considering the reasons seriously due to the people behind it may have skills, special knowledge and experience behind it. Thus, the vision and concern for opposition should be looked and adjusted accordingly to add value and correction in the process of change management. Create a strategy for managing resistance to change Although, the feedbacks of the stakeholders may have positive as well as negative reviews on the change management, but can always be handled strategically by the managerial skills and abilities. There are some points which can be enlightened and concerned while handling the opposition of the stakeholders. Foremost is support and encourage the stakeholders by make them realise responsibility towards organisation and motivating them for the change (Sabri and Sabri-Matanagh, 2013). Their confidence and inspiration for the change should be set up, so that they become loyal and commitment towards organisation and sacrifice their personal goals where needed. Next is, dialogue and agreements between stakeholders and management on the resisting matters. The reason for protests should be deal around the table and adjustments from both the sides to resolve the issue should be encouraged. After that, openness and participation of stakeholders in the strategic change to make it effective should be improved and encouraged. The participation of stakeholders, active or collective, direct or indirect should be vitalised to realise their sense of belongingness in the organisation. Education and communication is the another aspect which should also be highlighted while resolving issues. Misunderstanding and unclear communication leads to most of the tensions in the organisation (Sabri and Sabri-Matanagh, 2013). Thus, the power of good and sound communication should never be underestimated. Effective communication with the help of skilled personnel change management could be elaborated to the stakeholders. Decision making of the stakeholders will be influenced with the diplomatic, cognizant and clear communication to the stakeholder to influence their decision positively. 4.Appropriate model for change For any successful application of change management it is vital to plan it systematic and step by step. In this regard 5 factors affect are responsible for the success of the implementation of change process (Longmore, 2014). 1) Coherent vision and goal- the planning should be logically arranged and with a view of continuity and sustainability. It will also help in achieving competitive advantage, thus requires consistency. 2) Human resource management- stakeholders are the important part of the change thus treated as valuable assets. They are being motivated and inspired to achieve the organisational goal which helps in promoting their loyalty and commitment towards organisation. 3) Leadership is a very crucial aspect of the organisation which making any change in the organisation. A good leader is always acts as a role model for its followers. Likewise, management is very much responsible to provide suitable environment to the stakeholders and team members to adopt the change by establishing sense of direction and responsibility towards the organisational goals achievement (Longmore, 2014). 4) Linking strategic and operational changes to make the implementation of the changes more flexible and commuting towards strategic goals. 5) Reviewing the environment, internal as well as external factors that influence the change decision will be checked accordingly. Implementation of model for change To commute the strategy goals and make stakeholders realise after results of the change management will help the implementation more effectively and fast. Despite that management and decision makers of the organisation should always acknowledge about the merits and demerits of its execution in the organisation (Reed and Bogardus, 2015). Some point should be reviewed twice before applying it in the organisation at the time of planning by the decision makers. The complete plan comprising strategies theories schedules and stages of change should analyse properly. The stakeholders should be convinced and their acceptance should be focused to attain the majority. The role of stakeholders should be communicated effectively and the whole application should be explained efficaciously. Once the execution of the change is done successfully, stakeholder must be motivated and inspired with rewards and benefits. Along with this, implementation is a long term process and hence needs a special attention through training facilities for stakeholders as well as team members (Reed and Bogardus, 2015). Records and accounting of the whole change process will be done. Moreover, throughout adjustments in the strategies should be done with the requirement and need. Lastly, Evaluation of the progress will be measured again to acknowledge the position and direction to reach strategic goal. After control and monitoring of the whole change process should be programmed by the management for optimum effectiveness. Appropriate measures to monitor progress Some of the famous performance measure to ensure the progress supervision is as follows: The first measure is review and evaluation of the performance in which the progress should be watched time to time by the management. The reviews will be always matched with the projected goals and objectives of the organisation (Remme, et al., 2008). It will evaluate the weaknesses in the strategy on time and corrective measures can be taken accordingly. Furthermore, 180 and 360 degree method is to monitor the performance individual as well group members (Remme, et al., 2008). It is basically used for the rewards and bonus to the employees according to their performance in the process of change management. Balanced scorecard is another way to evaluate the performance and progress encompassing the financial, growth, business functions and learning factors that decides the organisation strategic goals and its achievement (Remme, et al., 2008). It also includes the prospective of customer in deciding the ultimate performance of the organisation. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be implicated that the change management is based on some of the main factors that decides its successful complementation in the organisation. Foremost is the planning which defines the need and requirement of the change influenced by intrinsic and explicit factors. Second is communication of the strategic change to the team members and stakeholders of the organisation. Along with this, it is crucial to ensure the involvement of the stakeholders active participation in the process of change. Moreover, it has been done with the systematic and logical way if opposition is being faced on the change. Lastly, there are some methods to review the performance and make it effective and successful for a long time. References ASL, G. 2015. Organizational Change Management Strategies in Modern Business. IGI Global. Cameron, E., and Green, M. 2015. Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. 4th ed. Kogan Page Publishers. Cummings, T. G., and Worley, C.G. 2014.Organization Development and Change.10th ed.Cengage Learning. Graetz, F., et al. 2012. Managing Organisational Change. 3rd ed. John Wiley Sons. Griffin, R. W., and Moorhead, G. 2011. Organizational Behaviour. 10th ed. Cengage Learning. Hiatt, J. 2006. ADKAR: A Model for Change in Business, Government, and Our Community. Prosci. Hussain, S. T., et al. 2016. Kurt Lewin's process model for organizational change: The role of leadership and employee involvement: A critical review. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge. Hussey, D. E. 2000. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment Systems
Question: Discuss about the Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment Systems. Answer: Introduction: The conventional wastewater solutions were not integrated, as these solutions make the recovery of resources difficult, including water, energy and nutrients. However, in contrast, new technologies are offering a range of alternative solutions for sustainable wastewater management. The key question in current context is whether it is possible to attain more sustainable urban water management by improvement of existing centralised systems or if it is crucial to implement new decentralized systems. The changed perspective for sustainability triggers the implementation of change. While switching over a decentralized aspect, close evaluation is needed into the sustainability of different systems in different situations (Balkema et al., 2002). As the changed process also has disadvantages, thus, before implementation, trade-offs should be considered crucially. In this paper, author summarizes multi-criteria assessment for sustainability of waste water treatment system. This method include s the use of sustainability indicators in multi objective optimisation, thereby aiding the community to select more suitable options. A number of sustainability indicators have been highlighted in the wastewater treatment systems. During the assessment phase, the sustainability indicators should be discussed. There are several sustainability indicators, based on which the suitable solutions are determined for a waste water management process. Four types of sustainability indicators have been discussed in this paper. The functional indicators help to determine the minimum technical requirement for the sustainability solution. For instance, effluent quality, adaptability, durability, reliability, maintenance required, robustness etc are functional indicator. The second one is economic indicators which are crucial during the section of the appropriate technology for the practical situation (Balkema et al., 2002). The commonly used indicators include the investment, operation, affordability, labour and effectiveness. The third indicator is environmental indicator. Environmental indicators are important for analyzing the resource utilization for addressing nutrients, water and energy. The indicators are resource ut ilization, biodiversity, lad fertility, land area and others, as indicated in several previous literatures. The fourth sustainability indicator is social-cultural indicator, which are hard to be quantified and thus, these two indicators are often misled. However, these two sustainability indicators have a significant role in technology implementation. The role of these indicators is especially highlighted, when the end-user is directly involved like in small scale onsite treatment, sanitation and water use. There is different use of these indictors in different circumstances (Balkema et al., 2002). For instance, in case of institutional requirements, different regulations and control mechanisms are required for different wastewater treatment. In case of acceptance, regarding waste management and sanitation, people from different culture would have different perspectives. In case of expertise, a notable level of expertise is required for installation and operation. All of these indicators are quantifiable, via cost calculation, measurement or enquiries. The indicators have both potential advantages and disadvantages. For instance, one potential advantage is stimulation of sustainable behaviour, in contrast, one disadvantage is acceptance, which may vary within different communities, due to diverse perspectives of community and technology users (Balkema et al., 2002). This paper analyzed the in-depth methodology of sustainability assessment in a system analysis with the use of multi-disciplinary set of sustainability indicators. Authors finally highlighted the crucial sustainability indicators; those include organic matter, cost, nutrient and land area. Reference Balkema, A. J., Preisig, H. A., Otterpohl, R., Lambert, F. J. (2002). Indicators for the sustainability assessment of wastewater treatment systems.Urban water,4(2), 153-161.
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